Goal 3: INCLUDE Overview

INCLUDE and welcome all individuals and communities and support a culture of belonging with an intentional commitment toward those who have been marginalized and/or historically underrepresented in the academy.
The College of Health and Human Sciences values people of all identities and strives to create learning communities and connections that thrive with diverse perspectives.
Strategic Objectives
MEASURING SUCCESS Select Key Performance Indicators

- Growth in strategic hiring and retention of faculty, staff, and students from racially minoritized groups
- Establishment of mentoring and equity programs for marginalized faculty, staff, and student success
Goal 3: Include Accomplishments in 2024
DEIJ Communications
- DEIJ activities repository for faculty and staff submission
- Refreshed DEIJ web pages throughout CHHS
DEIJ Student Assessment
- Completed 2024 Student assessment
- Currently reporting assessment data to units
BIPOC Community and Extension Youth Outreach
- Dandelions Rising Summer Camp
DEIJ Training
Self-led LinkedIn Learning training modules coming this fall on topics such as:
- Difficult dialogue
- Critical conversations
- Inclusive culture
All-University Core Curriculum
- 1 Credit AUCC CHHS Course added – 280A1, Self-Identity and Perceptions of Others