Selected Published Works
da Silva Cardoso, A., Lopes da Silva, A., Rabbani, A. R. K., Monteiro, E. B., & Shakouri, M. (2024). Evaluating Sururu shell waste (Mytella falcata) as an eco-friendly recycled aggregate in mortar production. Frontiers in Built Environment.
Ibrahim, A. A., Nnaji, C., Namian, M., & Shakouri, M. (2024). Evaluating the impact of hazard information on fieldworkers’ safety risk perception. Journal of Constructiong Engr. & Management.
Shakouri, M., Ahmed, A. A., & Teymouri, M. (2024). Evaluating the performance of thermomechanically beneficiated fly ash blended mortar. Construction and Building Materials.
Shakouri, M., Nnaji, C., Banihashemi, S., & Nguyen, K. L. (2024). Analyzing the Influence of Risk Models and Investor Risk-Aversion Disparity on Portfolio Selection in Community Solar Projects: A Comparative Case Study. Risks, 12(5), 75.
Shakouri, M. (2023). Agricultural waste ash as cementitious material and methods of making the same: US Patent App. 18/096,509.
Shakouri, M., Ahmed, A. A., Teymouri, M., & Trejo, D. (2023). Corrosion Resistance of Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cementitious Systems. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering.
Shakouri, M., Friday, O., & Vaddey, N. P. (2023). Assessing passivation and corrosion of post-tensioning strand in grouts under chloride salt exposure. Paper presented at the 77th RILEM Annual Week and the 1st Interdisciplinary Symposium on Smart & Sustainable Infrastructures (ISSSI 2023).
Shakouri, M., Hu, J., & Stolle, C. (2023). Assessing Regional Variability in Chemical Composition and Pozzolanic Reactivity of Corn Stover Ash in the United States. Cement.
Shakouri, M., & Teymouri, M. (2023). Investigating the Effects of Testing Protocol Factors on Chloride Binding Capacity in Cementitious Materials. Construction and Building Materials.
Shakouri, M., Teymouri, M., Vaddey, N. P., Zhang, C., Ksaibati, K., Kuinkel, M., & Liu, P. (2023). Enhancing Physiochemical Properties and Reactivity of Landfilled Fly Ash through Thermo- Mechanical Beneficiation. Cement and Concrete Composites.
Teymouri, M., & Shakouri, M. (2023a). Chloride desorption mechanisms of cement pastes containing fly ash. Construction and Building Materials.
Teymouri, M., & Shakouri, M. (2023b). Optimum Pretreatment of Corn Stover Ash as an Alternative Supplementary Cementitious Material. Cement.
Teymouri, M., & Shakouri, M. (2023c). Effect of pH on Desorption of Bound Chlorides in Cement Pastes Containing Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering.
Abolhasani, A., Shakouri, M., Dehestani, M., Salami, B., & Banihashemi, S. (2022). A comprehensive evaluation of fracture toughness, fracture energy, flexural strength and microstructure of calcium aluminate cement concrete exposed to high temperatures. Engineering Fracture Mechanic.
Ahmed, A. A., Mahmoud, S., Trejo, D., & Vaddey, N. P. (2022). Effect of curing temperature and water-to-cement ratio on corrosion of steel in calcium aluminate cement concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 350.
Ibrahim, A., Nnaji, C., Shakouri, M., & Namian, M. (2022). Impact of Hazard State on Construction Workers Safety Risk Assessment. Paper presented at the Construction Research Congress.
Jafarzadeh, S., Zhao, J., Shakouri, M., & Bobaru, F. (2022). A Peridynamic Model for Crevice Corrosion Damage. Electrochimica Acta, 139512.
Ibrahim, A., Nnaji, C., & Shakouri, M. (2021). Influence of Sociodemographic Factors on Construction Fieldworkers’ Safety Risk Assessments. Sustainability, 14(111), 1-24.
Shakouri, M. (2021). Time-dependent concentration of chlorides at the concrete surface revisited. Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, 1-18.
Shakouri, M., Exstrom, C. L., & Piccini, G. D. (2021). Chloride binding and desorption properties of the concrete containing corn stover ash. Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, 1-21.
Shakouri, M., Vaddey, N. P., Trejo, D.,& Shakouri, M. (2019). Effect of Admixed and External Chlorides on the Transport of Chlorides in Concrete. ACI Journal of Materials, (Accepted)
Vaddey, N. P., Trejo, D.,& Shakouri, M. (2019). Factors influencing chloride test results of cementitious systems. ACI Journal of Materials, (Accepted)
Shakouri, M., Exstrom, C. L., Ramanathan, S., Suraneni, P., & Vaux, J. S. (2020). Pretreatment of corn stover ash to improve its effectiveness as a supplementary cementitious material in concrete. Cement and Concrete Composites, 112, 103658.
Shakouri, M., Exstrom, L. C., Ramanathan, S., Suraneni, P. (2020). Hydration, strength, and durability of cementitious materials incorporating untreated corn cob ash. Construction and Building Materials. 243.
Vaddey, N. P., Trejo, D., Shakouri, M. (2020). Predicting chloride testing outcome of different cementitious systems. ACI Journal of Materials. 117 (1), 139-152.
Shakouri, M., & Trejo, D. (2018). A study of the factors affecting the surface chloride maximum phenomenon in submerged concrete samples. Cement and Concrete Composites, 94, 181-190.
Trejo, D., Shakouri, M., Vaddey, N. P., & Isgor, O. B. (2018). Development of empirical models for chloride binding in cementitious systems containing admixed chlorides. Construction and Building Materials, 189, 157-169.
Shakouri, M., & Lee, H. W. Economic Feasibility Analysis of Photovoltaic Systems Using Bayesian Networks. In Construction Research Congress 2018 (pp. 564-573).
Shakouri, M., Ikuma, L. H., Aghazadeh, F., & Nahmens, I. (2018). Analysis of the sensitivity of heart rate variability and subjective workload measures in a driving simulator: the case of highway work zones. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 66, 136-145.
Shakouri, M., & Trejo, D. (2017). Estimating the critical chloride threshold of reinforcing steel in concrete using a hierarchical Bayesian model. Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, 1-21.
Shakouri, M., Trejo, D., & Gardoni, P. (2017). A probabilistic framework to justify allowable admixed chloride limits in concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 139, 490-500.
Shakouri, M., & Trejo, D. (2017). A time-variant model of surface chloride build-up for improved service life predictions. Cement and Concrete Composites, 84, 99-110.
Vaddey, N. P., Shakouri, M., & Trejo, D. (2017). A Bayesian approach to assess the influence of coarse aggregate on the chloride test outcome. Construction Materials and Systems, 393.
Trejo, D., Shakouri, M., & Vaddey, N. P. (2017). The need for standardized testing of input variables for reliable service life prediction of reinforced concrete structures. In International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Systems.
Shakouri, M., Lee, H. W., & Kim, Y. W. (2017). A probabilistic portfolio-based model for financial valuation of community solar. Applied Energy, 191, 709-726.
Shakouri, M., Aghazadeh, F., & Ikuma, L. H. (2016). Individual differences in drivers’ perceived workload near construction work zones. Occupational Ergonomics, 13(2), 101-117.evention, 71, 166-176.
Shakouri, M., Aghazadeh, F., & Ikuma, L. H. (2016). Individual differences in drivers’ perceived workload near construction work zones. Occupational Ergonomics, 13(2), 101-117.
Srinivasan, S., Ikuma, L. H., Shakouri, M., Nahmens, I., & Harvey, C. (2016). 5S impact on safety climate of manufacturing workers. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 27(3), 364-378.
Shakouri, M., Trejo, D., & Gardoni, P. (2016). A risk-based model for determining allowable admixed chloride limits in concrete. In International RILEM Conference on Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering: Conference segment on service life of cement-based materials and structures (pp. 631-640). Lyngby Denmark.
Shakouri, M., Lee, H. W., & Choi, K. (2015). PACPIM: new decision-support model of optimized portfolio analysis for community-based photovoltaic investment. Applied Energy, 156, 607-617.
Shakouri, M., Ikuma, L. H., Aghazadeh, F., Punniaraj, K., & Ishak, S. (2014). Effects of work zone configurations and traffic density on performance variables and subjective workload. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 71, 166-176.