Archived News
- June 2021: May is stroke awareness month. Dr. Neha Lodha was invited to the podcast on stroke awareness.
- June 2021: Peyton Woolverton received the outstanding undergraduate award at HES
- June 2021: STROKE and AGING MOBILITY CLINIC will be held on June 11 and 12 2021 for individuals above 65 years of age to assess their fall and driving crash risk. More information here.
- May 2021: Our First Summer mobility clinic was held on May 6 and 7 2021. We had a large turn-out of individuals above 60 years of age for fall and driving crash risk screening.
- May 2021: SUMMER MOBILITY CLINIC will be held on May 6 and 7 2021. We will offer individuals above 60 years of age an opportunity to get assessments of your fall and driving crash risk. More information here.
- April 2021: Dr. Prakruti Patel was awarded AHA postdoctoral fellowship to investigate bilateral coordination as a predictor of fall risk in individuals with stroke.
- April 2021: The MNR lab is co-hosted 11th Annual Rocky Mountain American Society of Biomechanics 2021 on April 2, 2021. We had a terrific turn out with over 20 universities and 200 attendees.
- April 2021: Diana Enzastiga received the outstanding undergraduate podium presentation award at Rocky Mountain American Society of Biomechanics 2021
- April 2021: Dr. Prakruti Patel received the most amazing poster award at Rocky Mountain American Society of Biomechanics 2021
- March 2021: Sarah McCarthy received the outstanding undergraduate poster presentation award at College of Health and Human sciences Research Day 2021
- January 2021: Dr. Neha Lodha was awarded NIH K01 to investigate behavioral fluctuations in motor and cognitive performance to identify behavioral markers of decline in driving function in individuals with stroke and mild cognitive impairment.
- September 2020: Dr. Neha Lodha gave a talk at the Center for Healthy Aging on Determinants of Driving Function in Older adults.
- August 2020: Dr. Neha Lodha was invited as a speaker on Engaging Mobility Podcast by Health Promotion Partners. You can view her podcast at “Driving After Stroke: Treatment ideas for general practice occupational therapists”.
- March 2020: Dr. Prakruti Patel was awarded mentored research grant from Colorado Clinical and Translational Science Institute under the mentorship of Dr. Neha Lodha. The study will investigate the functional impact of coordination deficits in stroke.
- February 2020: Dr. Prakruti Patel received best poster award in Stroke Basic Sciences Category at Combined Sections Meeting : APTA
- January 2020: Dr. Prakruti Patel awarded Princess Kawānanakoa Research Award.
- May 2020: Previous graduate student Tasnuva Alam awarded De Luca foundation award.
- December 2019: Dr. Neha Lodha was interviewed by CSU SOURCE on her stroke research “CSU researcher studies how to help stroke survivors function better in everyday life”