Grant Proposals Due by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 7, 2025 Program Introduction
2025-2026 CHHS Seed Grant Program RFP
The College of Health and Human Sciences is soliciting proposals for support of research, creative, and scholarship activities. The purpose of the seed grant is to substantially improve the likelihood of the applicant securing external funding (i.e., grant, contract, foundation, industry) by providing seed monies for activities that improve a project’s or a team’s competitiveness. Support can be provided for summer salary, graduate assistant support, or other activities directly linked to an identified external funding opportunity.
Priority Areas: Early career investigators seeking seed grant support for career development awards (NIH K or NSF CAREER), investigators seeking to transition from career awards to independent investigator mechanisms (NIH R or similar), and multi-disciplinary team efforts pursuing innovative ideas aligned with CHHS strategic aims will be given preference. In total, up to $45,000 (three awards @ $15,000) is available for this funding cycle.
An electronic .pdf of the seed grant proposal is due to, Research Support Services Coordinator, by 5:00 p.m. on Friday March 7, 2025
Award Application Details
Guidelines for Developing a Proposal
- Proposals should include a signed coversheet (see separate attachment); brief narrative (three-page max not including references); detailed budget/budget narrative (1-page max); brief bio sketch (three-page max for all PI/co-PIs and key personnel); and copy of the face page or other identifiable information about the specific targeted RFP that the seed grant proposal is directed toward as a next step. No additional documents will be reviewed as part of the proposal.
- All applicants must identify a specific funding opportunity being sought using the CHHS seed funds to strengthen the external grant proposal. The expectation is that a grant proposal to an external agency/organization WILL BE SUBMITTED based on the seed funds obtained from CHHS. To be eligible for applying for future funds through the CHHS seed grant program, awardees of CHHS seed grant funds are required to submit an associated external grant proposal and inform the Associate Dean for Research that an external grant proposal as described in your CHHS Seed Grant proposal has been submitted.
- The narrative (single-spaced, 12-point type, 1-inch margins) should include:
- Title of project.
- Brief description of investigator/proposal fit to proposed mechanism.
- Specific funding opportunity being sought, including name of the organization (government agency and/or institute, industry, foundation, etc.); specific program funding opportunity; project officer or contact at agency; how your proposal idea fits the agencies’ mission and guidelines of the competition; and how this topic fits within the priorities of your unit, college, and/or CSU.
- A coherent plan describing strategies you will use to develop the targeted external grant proposal and integration of the pilot data/information collected using these CHHS grant funds. This could include a mentoring plan or other review mechanisms to obtain feedback while you are developing the targeted external grant mechanism
- Description of the idea being proposed to the external funding source and how seed grant funds will be used to collect pilot data, etc. to improve the likelihood of successfully competing for this funding source. When completing the narrative, it is important to recognize that members of the CHHS Research Review Committee may not have expertise in the subject matter. It is the responsibility of the applicant to prepare a logical, understandable proposal, and to provide sufficient details for the review process.
- Brief timeline of tasks.
- References (not counted in three-page limit).
- The budget should include a brief justification of expenses. No tuition or indirect charges are allowed in the budget.
Proposals should be delivered electronically in one PDF file to: Stephanie Ouren via email at Paper applications will not be accepted. For questions, please email or call Stephanie at (970) 491-6070.
Review Process
Members of the CHHS Research Committee (comprised of representatives from each department) will score the proposals on:
- Scientific Merit (degree to which the idea proposed will successfully compete for the desired funding source),
- Approach
- Environment
- Alignment of the proposal with the relevant funding guidelines/RFP.
The four scored domains will inform an overall impact score for the proposal, and it is the overall impact that will determine funding recommendations. The rating forms that the reviewers will be using to rate the submitted proposals are attached to this RFP so you can prepare your CHHS seed grant proposal accordingly. The CHHS Research Committee will then submit recommendations for funding to the College Executive Council.
The College Executive Council will make the final determination of awardees, and notification will be made to applicants by April 30, 2025. Funds will be available July 1, 2025, and will need to be spent by June 30, 2026.
Final Report Requirement
The annual report should be submitted to the CHHS Associate Dean for Research by June 30, 2026. If an extension is needed, it should be requested prior to March 1, 2026. This report should indicate whether the external grant has been submitted and if not, the report should indicate anticipated submission date of the external grant. It is the responsibility of the CHHS seed grant awardees to send notification Stephanie Ouren when the external grant proposal has been submitted. Until this notification is received by the Dean’s office, the awardee will be not eligible to apply for additional funds through the CHHS seed grant program.
Seed Grant Program Proposal Cover Sheet, Proposal Requirements, and Selection Criteria
For Seed Grant Program Proposal Cover Sheet and selection criteria information, please download the document attached below.
2025-26 CHHS Seed Grant Proposal Cover Sheet and Proposal Review Criteria
2024-2025 CHHS Seed Grant Recipients
Dan Lark, Tom LaRocca – Department of Health and Exercise Science, Testing a Natural Circulating Protein as a Novel Therapy to Treat Metabolic Disease
Charlene Van Buiten, Sarah Johnson – Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Influence of Co-Ingestion of Dairy and Plant Proteins on Blueberry Polyphenol Bioavailability
2023-2024 CHHS Seed Grant Recipients
Sarah Johnson – Food Science and Human Nutrition, Understanding Mechanisms Contributing to Improved Endothelial Function in Postmenopausal Women with Above-Normal Blood Pressure
Gloria Luong – Human Development and Family Studies, Testing the Feasibility of a Stressor Paradigm: Dyadic Health Processes Across Adulthood
2022-2023 CHHS Seed Grant Recipients
Rachel Lucas Thompson – Human Development and Family Studies, Feasibility and Acceptability of a Multi-Modal Adaptive Mindfulness Intervention Delivered through a Mentoring Program for At-Risk Teens
Karyn Hamilton and Tom LaRocca – Health and Exercise Science, Julie Moreno and Kelly Santangelo – Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology, A Promising Pre-clinical Model to overcome a Critical Barrier and Accelerate Age-related Neurodegeneration Research
Jamie Yoder – School of Social Work, Feasibility of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Youth Sexual Violence