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Our Commitment

CSU’s School of Social Work acknowledges and embraces the myriad characteristics that make each of us exceptional, within an atmosphere that promotes and celebrates individual and collective achievement.

The School respects, honors, and values individual differences and diverse ideas. Using a lens of intersectionality, and in alignment with the values and principles stated in the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics, each person is treated with dignity, care, and respect.

In 2021-22 the Committee for Social Justice led a comprehensive needs assessment of diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice, and belonging in the School of Social Work.  Existing data were combined with interviews and focus groups from stakeholders in the School community, including students and employees.  The results were presented in an open forum on May 12, 2022, and the presentation and slide deck are shared below.  The final written report will be shared in July 2022. Questions about the needs assessment can be directed to CSJ co-chair Paula Yuma,

BSW students at fall picnic 2017 standing together and smiling


This is a sampling of School of Social Work courses with DEIJ content.

We are proud to offer this AUCC-1C course to students across campus to share social work ethics and values with students from all majors.

This courses teaches students about the historic atrocities and injustices that continue to shape socialization, perpetuating oppression and normalizing power based on identity. There is discussion of identity, privilege, oppression, intersectionality and social location applied to different individuals and groups. Students apply their learning to advocate for equity and inclusion of all people.

Knowledge and skill in deconstructing one’s own identity, privilege, and oppression to apply that process of understanding to a client’s unique intersecting identities creating culturally sensitive social work practices.

Historical and contemporary lives of women, children, and tribal communities.

Developing anti-oppressive practice with a focus on multiculturalism and social justice advocacy. Critically evaluate personal traits, attitudes, and values regarding diversity and identity formation while exploring theoretical frameworks for understanding oppression. Analyze the relationships among power, privilege, and oppression. Acquiring strategies for combating injustice.


The Center for Lifelong Learning, Outreach, and Education – CLOE aims to provide research-based professional development opportunities for social workers and social service providers throughout the state of Colorado.

Graduates on the Oval


Our faculty are examining a wide array of social justice issues in their research.

Jen Currin-McCulloch, assistant professor, through funding from The American Cancer Society, investigated factors that facilitate and hinder hope among young adults diagnosed with advanced cancers. Through her study she discovered the devastating impacts of cancer treatment on young adults’ physical, emotional, and social, and spiritual well-being. Her current work focuses on the role of a group intervention in reducing social isolation, depression, anxiety, despair, and internalized stigma.

Anne Williford, associate professor and Ph.D. program director, and Jamie Yoder, associate professor received a Spencer Foundation Small Research Grant to examine the post-high school effects of a high school-based prevention program. In collaboration with faculty from Human Development and Family Studies, the researchers will use the funding to evaluate the impact of “Sources of Strength,” a prevention program that aims to use peer social networks to change school culture. It is designed to help high school students enhance healthy coping skills, develop help-seeking habits, and form positive relationships with other youth and adults.

Combined with existing barriers to citizenship, attitudes towards immigrants can negatively impact their overall well-being, says Assistant Professor Elizabeth Kiehne. “Ambivalent attitudes toward immigrants in the U.S. have long guided immigration policy, resulting in a large and socially undervalued immigrant population that is partially integrated but not legally recognized,” said Kiehne, noting how the nation’s increase in federal immigration enforcement has led to violations of internationally recognized human rights and “core social work values.” Kiehne is leading two community-based participatory action research studies that aim to improve macro-oriented social work practice among immigrant populations in the U.S.

Get Involved

We value and encourage participation by students of diverse backgrounds in our school activities. Check out these opportunities for ways you can get involved.

Committee for Social Justice

The Committee for Social Justice is a group of faculty and student leaders who recognize the need to welcome and honor people of all races, genders, creeds, cultures, and sexual orientations, while valuing intellectual curiosity and integrity. To learn more, please contact Sofia Gentry or Rachel Selby.

Student Association of Social Workers

The Student Association of Social Workers (SASW) was created to give voice to students from all degree programs at School Council (meetings where important decisions about the school are made). Students are encouraged to participate in advocating for what they believe is best for the student body and the school. Learn more about SASW and how to get involved.

Queer Umbrella

Queer Umbrella creates space for queer folx and allies from across degree programs to come together for support, community, and connection. For more information, please contact Jen Currin-McCulloch.



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  • 39% First-Generation Students
  • 33% Racially Minoritized Students
  • 21% Nontraditional Students

Social Work Diversity News