Explore Campus Connections
Campus Connections Therapeutic Youth Mentoring program is a high-impact service learning course (3 credits) at Colorado State University and a program serving local youth. Campus Connections was developed in 2009 in response to a community request for additional services for youth experiencing difficulties. CC is an innovative core service for youth exposed to adversities providing mentoring in a unique structure. This includes mentor mentees pairs being part of a mentor family (four pairs) with youth of similar ages, exposure to a college campus, academic support, dinner, pro-social activities, and integrated mental health services. Youth are referred from the juvenile system, schools, human services, and many other providers who recognize the tremendous benefits of therapeutic mentoring for youth.
We are now accepting mentor applications.
Would like you like to make a difference in our community while gaining professional skills and earning academic credit? Join Campus Connections!

2,300+ Youth Participants
4 Licensed CC Universities
3,000+ CSU Student Participants