24/7 Hotlines
Local Northern Colorado Services
Alliance for Suicide Prevention
(970) 482-2209 | Not an emergency service. Alliance for Suicide Prevention provides suicide prevention educational programs and grief support services to youth and adults. Our Mission is to prevent suicide in Larimer County through training and education, providing outreach, and offering support.
CSU Health Network
(970) 491-7121 | CSU Health Network is every student’s home for health and well-being at Colorado State University. They are committed to care of body and mind to help students succeed in college and life.
Poudre Valley Hospital
(970) 495-7000 | Poudre Valley Hospital in Fort Collins is a 270-bed regional hospital offering a wide array of treatments, surgeries, and diagnostic tests.
Salud Family Health Centers
(970) 494-4040 | Salud provides care to all community members regardless of finances, insurance coverage, or ability to pay.
Turning Point
(970) 221-0999 | Turning Point Fort Collins and Greeley offer a continuum of services including residential and day substance abuse treatment for teens, counseling, and therapy.
The Center for Family Outreach
(970) 495-0084 | many services include crisis intervention strategies and programs for youth and families struggling with substance abuse, mental health issues, high family conflict, and teenagers displaying adolescent experiencing adversity behavior.
CSU Center for Family and Couple Therapy
(970) 491-5991 | The Center for Family and Couple Therapy provides high-quality therapy services to the Northern Colorado community for families, couples, and individuals across the lifespan.
Health District of Northern Larimer County
(970) 224-5209 | Health District of Northern Larimer County provides residents of northern Larimer County with dental, mental health, and preventive health services, in addition to connecting people to more affordable health insurance and prescription options.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (Larimer County)
(970) 494-4359 | A nonprofit dedicated to improving the lives of people living with mental illness and their families by providing group classes.
SummitStone Health Partners
(970) 494-4040 | SummitStone Health Partners offers mental health and addiction services at locations throughout Fort Collins, Loveland, and Estes Park, Colorado. 24/7 Crisis Center at 1217 Riverside Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80524.
Statewide Resources
Colorado Division of Behavioral Health
(303) 866-7400 | The Office of Behavioral Health administers the two-state mental health hospitals, purchases services to prevent and treat mental health and substance use disorders through contracts with behavioral health providers, regulates the public behavioral health system, and provides training, technical assistance, evaluation, data analysis, prevention services, and administrative support to behavioral health providers and relevant stakeholders.
Colorado Office of Suicide Prevention
(303) 692-2539 | Suicide Prevention Commission, preventing suicide in Colorado, resources for emergency departments and primary care providers, suicide investigation form, Office of Suicide Prevention community grantees, injury and violence data, and epidemiology.
Mental Health America of Colorado
(800) 456-3249 | Mental Health Colorado advocates for every Coloradan who experiences a mental health or substance use condition each year. They engage policymakers, providers, the public, and the press to promote mental wellness, ensure equitable access to mental health and substance use care, and end stigma and discrimination.
University of Colorado Depression Center
(303) 724-3300 | The University of Colorado Depression Center improves the lives of people with depression and mood disorders through clinical excellence, innovative research, community programs, and education.
Other Sources
United Way 2-1-1
Dial 2-1-1 or (970) 407-7066 | 2-1-1 is for NON-emergency assistance only. Callers needing emergency medical, fire or police aid should always call 9-1-1. If you are hearing impaired you can reach 2-1-1 by calling Relay Colorado (7-1-1) or 1-800-659-2656.
Providing the Fort Collins area with local health care information and provider listings.
Senior Access Points
(970) 498-7740 | A collaboration between Colorado State University Extension of Larimer County; Colorado State University, Department of Human Development and Family Studies; Partnership for Age-Friendly Communities; and the Larimer County Office on Aging/ADRC. The goal of Senior Access Points is to help older adults, caregivers, community members and professionals find aging-related resources in Larimer County. For more information, please visit: larimerseniors.org
Office of Behavioral Health Licensing and Designation Database and Electronic Records System is a referral resource for information and services for prevention, treatment, and recovery from substance use and mental health conditions.
Aunt Bertha
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