CSU Faculty and Student Observation Opportunities
The ECC has seven observable classrooms with children’s ages ranging from 6 weeks to 6 years old. Classrooms are equipped with audio and visual equipment that enable observers to see and hear activities in the classroom unobtrusively using the computer workstations in the observation booths. One-way glass allows observers to see directly into the room. This allows the observer to maintain distance and promotes objectivity in observation. As an observer, you do not want to alter the environment you are observing, and you should not engage with the children, parents, or teachers.
The ECC is delighted to announce that students now schedule their ECC observations on-line.
Observation Information
Observation Site Location
CSU Early Childhood Center
223 S. Shields St., Fort Collins, CO 80521
Short term parking during your observation time is available along Scott Ave. to the west of the school. Note that parking along Olive St. is reserved for parent pick-up and drop-off only. Note also that there is “ECC staff only” parking along the north side of the school. Please do not park on Olive St. or in the ECC staff lot.