Research request form If you’re a faculty member or student at Colorado State University and are interested in pursuing research opportunities at the ECC, please complete this online form. Name* First Last CSU Department*PhoneEmail This investigation is for*SelectCourse RequirementGraduate RequirementFaculty ResearchCourse number*Name of Instructor*Email of Instructor* Brief Description of Study*Email cover letter, survey, and/or support materials (if applicable) in a separate email to eccinfo@colostate.eduDoes this project require CSU Institutional Review Board approval?*SelectYesNoI don't knowIf yes, please email separately to dates for collecting data at the Early Childhood Center*What will your study require of participants?*Observation, individual or group testing, questionnaires to parents, etc.Will your subjects be (check all that apply)* Select All Children Teachers Parents Other Amount of time required per participant*Number of participants desired*What are the required characteristics of participants?*(e.g., ages, gender, home language, race, SES)Does the study require voice or personal image recording?*SelectYesNoDo you agree to send us a copy of your paper, completed study, or publication that includes data received from the Early Childhood Center?*SelectYesNo