How to Get Assistive Technology
The Student Disability Center is the primary office at CSU that provides accommodations for students with disabilities. The ATRC partners with the SDC to provide Assistive Technology accommodations as needed. Following are the ways in which the SDC and ATRC interact while providing services for students.
1. Initiating Assistive Technology Accommodations
- First identify with the SDC to receive a referral to the ATRC.
- Meet with an ATRC staff member to find the best technology match for you considering your academic needs.
- During your first appointment, a staff member will discuss your academic needs related to reading, writing, note-taking, studying, time-management, and computer access.
- We will work with you to determine assistive technology that can support your success in these areas.
- This may include selecting the best format to convert your textbooks. See the next section for more details.
- During a follow-up appointment, staff members will introduce and provide training on assistive devices and technology.
- Training support can continue until the student feels comfortable using the technology.
2. Getting Textbooks in an Accessible Format
Accessible text refers to the transcription of books or other content (such as notes or newspapers or magazines) into a format other than standard print, e.g., large print, Braille, audio, talking books.
Textbooks are converted on a first come, first served basis by the SDC. Please request accommodations as early as possible. Remember that you can start this process before the semester even starts!
1. During your meeting with an ATRC staff member, we will help determine the best format to convert your textbooks. The ATRC can show you a number of software programs for reading that match your individual needs.
2. Meet with SDC’s Coordinator of Accessible Text, Nico Gowdy to request your textbooks. Call (970) 491-5906 for an appointment. Bring your textbooks to your appointment.
- Due to copyright law, the SDC cannot provide an electronic file of your textbook to you unless you provide proof that you have purchased the textbook. You need only to purchase the hard copy textbook; there is no additional cost to you for the electronic file of the textbook provided by the SDC.
- New to this process? When you meet with the ATRC to select a file format, the ATRC can help you fill out the Accessible Text Request form and submit it to the SDC.
- Where do I find the information needed on the Accessible Text Request Form? You can obtain a list of textbooks from your professor or syllabus. The CSU Bookstore also provides a list of textbooks required for each class that includes all the information required on the Accessible Text Request Form, including the ISBN.
3. The SDC will contact you through your CSU email account when your books have been converted into an alternative format. Once you receive an email from the SDC, you will be able to download your books either from Google Drive or Microsoft SharePoint.
4. The conversion process typically takes about two to three weeks from the date of your meeting with the accessible text coordinator at the SDC. However, the length of time depends on the file format requested and the availability of your textbooks.
5. If necessary, meet with the ATRC again for training on how to read your accessible textbooks using the AT software you selected.
If you’ve met with the SDC and ATRC in previous semesters, know the file format you need as well as how to use the AT to read your books, you can skip directly to step #3 and request your books directly at the SDC.
3. Assistive Technology for Alternative Testing
Alternative testing accommodations are helpful when a student’s disability affects their performance on exams when taken in a regular classroom environment. One possible accommodation for test-taking is the use of a computer with assistive technology.
- Meet with an SDC accommodation specialist to determine whether test-taking accommodations are needed.
- Meet with an ATRC staff member to determine your preferred assistive technology, and whether you will benefit from using the AT as a test-taking accommodation.
- Request AT when you schedule a test at SDC’s alternative testing center.