Campus Resources
Student Disability Center (SDC)
The Student Disability Center provides services for CSU students with disabilities. Students who need general accommodations begin by identifying with the SDC. If students need Assistive Technology, the SDC will refer them to the ATRC.
The Student Disability Center also provides information for faculty to understand the accommodation process.
Center for Community Partnerships (CCP)
The Center for Community Partnerships is all about breaking the barriers to access and full inclusion in higher education, employment, the home, and the community. It is home to seven programs serving a wide range of populations with diverse needs and interests:
- Opportunities for Post-Secondary Success (OPS) – A support program for college students with disabilities
- Bridge Program – For incoming CSU students with a disability and their families
- New Start for Student Veterans – Academic success for student veterans with service-related injuries
- Integrated Employment – Helps individuals with disabilities find paid employment in an integrated setting with on-going support
- Empowerment Course – Facilitates successful employment and educational outcomes for young adults with disabilities
- Thrive – A six week summer career exploration program for IEP/504 plan eligible 15-21 year olds
- Sleep – Sleep services for CSU students, staff, and faculty, as well as community members in Northern Colorado
- Belong – An independent living program for neurodiverse young adults
The Institute for Teaching and Learning (TILT)
TILT’s Learning Programs are designed to enhance students’ educational experiences by teaching academic skills, supporting work in courses, providing preparation for life after graduation, and offering enrichments that go beyond the classroom. Programs include:
- Arts & Sciences Tutoring
- Academic and Study Skills Workshops and Online Resources
- Enrichment Programs
- Private Study Rooms
Academic Advancement Center (AAC)
Academic Advancement Center offers coaching and other academic support including tutoring for many lower division courses, study instruction strategies, career counseling, peer mentoring and leadership development. Students must meet specific criteria for services (low-income, first generation, or learning/physical disability). AAC provides study strategy handouts that many students find useful.
Learn about Assistive Technology
Community Resources
AdvocacyDenver - Resources for Immigrants
AdvocacyDenver is a nonprofit civil rights organization advocating for the rights of people with disabilities. Their Immigrant Resource Guide provides a comprehensive list of resources that support individuals of every immigration status, including DACA recipients, undocumented individuals, refugees, asylees, and more.
Colorado State University supports our undocumented students. Please contact us with any questions about accessing disability-related resources on campus.
Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado - Denver
The Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado supports survivors of a traumatic brain injury by providing resource navigation, skill building and self-management, classes, workshops, and more.
Center for Inclusive Design & Engineering (CIDE) - Denver
Center for Inclusive Design & Engineering hosts the Assistive Technology Program of Colorado, a program funded under public law.
CIDE, part of the University of Colorado’s Anschutz Medical Campus, provides clinical services such as assessments, consultation, training, and education to persons with disabilities, their families, researchers, and their manufacturers. They offer free demonstrations of their assistive technology, loan Assistive Technology items for students through their loan bank, and provide information regarding funding sources.
CIDE Services:
- Augmentative / Alternative Communication (AAC)
- Computer Access
- Electronic Aids to Daily Living
- General Motor Access
- Learning and Cognitive Aids
- Sleep Positioning
- Early Intervention (Tech for Tykes)
- Wheelchair Seating and Mobility
- Worksite Accommodation/Ergonomics
- Wheelchair Performance Testing
- Online and Community Based Training
- Professional Development
- Early Intervention of Technology for Children
Colorado Center for the Blind - Littleton
Colorado Center for the Blind provides independence training and resources for blind individuals across age groups. Their programs include topics such as:
- Braille
- Computers and adaptive technology
- Cane travel
- Home management and maintenance
- Challenge recreation
- Youth summer programming
Colorado Commission of Deaf and Hard of Hearing - Denver
The Colorado Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing provides high and low tech telecommunication options for Colorado residents who are deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind. Qualified individuals may receive certain equipment for free. They also provide captioning and interpreting services.
CCDHH Services:
- Amplified telephones
- Captioned telephones
- TTYs
- Video phones
- Wireless accessories
- Braille displays
- Captioning and interpreting
The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) provides individualized employment supports for people with disabilities.
DVR Programs and Services include:
- Transition from school to work
- Assistive technology devices and services
- Job coaching
- Self-advocacy training
- Skills training
- Disability benefits counseling
Ensight Skills - Fort Collins, Greeley
Ensight offers comprehensive services for individuals with low vision. They have offices in Fort Collins and Greeley, and also provide in-home, work, and phone evaluations.
- Low vision evaluation
- Visual Rehabilitation and training in adaptive strategies
- AT training (e.g. magnification, screen reading software)
- Orientation and Mobility (O&M) training
Wyoming Assistive Technology Resources - Laramie, WY
WATR is Wyoming’s Assistive Technology Act program and a resource for all assistive technology needs in Wyoming. Although WATR’s priority is to serve Wyoming residents, they are also able to extend some services to Colorado residents. Check with them for availability.