Our Mission
Dr. Christine A. Fruhauf – Lab Director

Our mission is to support individuals as they experience aging-related family issues. We do this through the development and testing of new interventions and support mechanisms designed for family caregivers and care recipients and for grandfamilies (i.e., grandparents and other relatives and the children in their homes).
As a team, we work collaboratively with researchers and Extension agents within and outside of Colorado State University, including engaging with community partners, to promote healthy aging and families. We’re particularly interested in using a strengths-based approach when designing interventions and research studies for populations. We use community-based participatory research practices to enhance our science.
Selected Publications
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
*Student Author
Fox, A. L.,* Riggs, N. R., Yancura, L., Sharp, J. L., & Fruhauf, C. A. (2023). Translating Discovery Science. Improving self-efficacy in grandparents raising grandchildren: Results from a strengths-based education intervention. Family Relations, 72(3), 966–975. https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.12695
Fruhauf, C. A., Mendoza, A. N.,* Fox, A. L.,* Greenwood-Junkermeier, H., Riggs, N. R., & Yancura, L. A. (2022). Positive health behavior changes in grandparents and grandchildren following an intervention. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(7), 4027. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19074027 [Special Issue on Intergenerational Programs].
Fruhauf, C. A., Yancura, L. A., Greenwood-Junkermeier, H., Riggs, N. R., Fox, A. L.,* Mendoza, A. N.* & Ooki, N. (2022). Lessons from the Field. Community-based participatory research: The important role of university-community partnerships to support grandfamilies. Family Relations, 71, 1470-1483. DOI: 10.1111/fare.12672
Hayslip, B. Jr., Fruhauf, C. A. & Fish, J. (2021). Should I do this? Factors influencing the decision to raise grandchildren among custodial grandparents. The Gerontologist, 61, 735-745. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnaa202 [Article featured as the Editor’s Choice].
Fruhauf, C. A., Mendoza, A. N.,* Bishop, P., Engel, G., & Hetchler, S.* (2020). Utilizing a community-university partnership to meet grandfamilies’ needs: Development and evaluation of a grandchildren-mentoring program. Grandfamilies: The Contemporary Journal of Research, Practice and Policy, 6 (1), 34-46. https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/grandfamilies/vol6/iss1/7
Fruhauf, C. A., Yancura, L. A., Greenwood-Junkermeier, H., Riggs, N., Fox, A. L.,* Mendoza, A. N.*, & Ooki, N. (2020). The importance of family-focused and strengths-based interventions for grandfamilies. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 12, 478-491. DOI:10.1111/jftr.12395
Mendoza, A. N.,* Fruhauf, C. A., & MacPhee, D. (2020). Grandparent caregivers’ resilience: Stress, support and coping predict life satisfaction. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 91(1), 3-20. DOI:10.1177/0091415019843459
Mendoza, N. A.,* Fruhauf, C. A., Bundy-Fazioli, K., & Weil, J. (2018). Understanding Latino grandparents raising grandchildren through a bioecological lens. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 86, 281-305. DOI: 10.1177/0091415017702907.
Hayslip, B, Jr., Fruhauf, C. A., & Dolbin-MacNab, M. (2017). Grandparents raising grandchildren: What have we learned over the past decade? The Gerontologist, 57, 1196-1208. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnx106.
Manns, A.,* Atler, K. E., & Fruhauf, C. A. (2017). Daily activities and experiences of custodial grandparents: An exploratory study. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 35, 34-48.
Yancura, L., Greenwood-Junkermeier, H., & Fruhauf, C. A. (2017). “These classes have been my happy place”: Feasibility study of a self-care program in Native Hawaiian custodial grandparents. Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal, 2(3), 103-109.
Yancura, L., Fruhauf, C. A., & Greenwood-Junkermeier, H. (2016). Recognizing microaggressions: A framework for helping grandfamilies. Grandfamilies: The Contemporary Journal of Research, Practice and Policy, 3 (1), 106-121.
Fruhauf, C. A., Pevney, B.,* & Bundy-Fazioli, K. (2015). The needs and use of programs by service providers working with grandparents raising grandchildren. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 34(2), 138-157. DOI: 10.1177/0733464812463983
Fruhauf, C. A., & Bundy-Fazioli, K. (2013). Grandparent caregivers’ self-care practice: Moving toward a strengths-based approach. In B. Hayslip, Jr. & G. C. Smith (Eds.), Resilient grandparent caregivers: A strengths based perspective (pp. 88-102). New York, NY: Routledge.
Fruhauf, C. A., & Hayslip, B., Jr. (2013). Understanding collaborative efforts to assist grandparent caregivers: A multileveled perspective. Journal of Family Social Work, 16, 382-391. [Special Issue: Understanding Kinship Care: Implications for Policy and Practice.]
Bundy-Fazioli, K., Fruhauf, C. A., & Miller, J. (2013). Grandparent Caregivers’ Perceptions of Emotional Distress and Well-Being. Journal of Family Social Work, 16, 447-462. [Special Issue: Understanding Kinship Care: Implications for Policy and Practice.]
Fruhauf, C. A., Bundy-Fazioli, K., & Miller, J. (2012). The Larimer County Alliance for Grandfamilies: An innovative approach to meeting a community need. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 31, 193-214. DOI: 10.1177/0733464810385094
Miller, J., Bruce, A., Bundy-Fazioli, K., & Fruhauf, C. A. (2010). Mobilizing a community to address the needs of grandparents raising grandchildren. Journal of Extension, 48(2), 21AW7.
Family Caregiving
*Student Author
Portz, J. D., Schmid, A.A., Fruhauf, C. A., Fox, A. L.,* Van Puymbroeck, M., Sharp, J., and Leach, H. J. (2023). Acceptability of an Online Yoga among Individuals with Chronic Conditions and their Caregivers: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research: Formative Research. 7:e39158 doi: 10.2196/39158
Fox, A. L.,* Swink, L.,* Prabhu, N.,* Fruhauf, C. A., Portz, J. D., Van Puymbroeck, M., Sharp, J. L., Leach, H. J., & Schmid, A. A. (2022). Manual development for a multi-modal, dyadic intervention for persistent pain: A qualitative study. British Journal of Pain, 16(5), 481–489. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F20494637221090461
Fox, A. L.,* Sharp, J. L., & Fruhauf, C. A. (2021). Family dynamics and the transition to end-of-life caregiving: A brief review and conceptual framework. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 13, 366-380. https://doi.org/10.1111/jftr.12423
Gibson, B. A, Van Puymbroeck, M., Fruhauf, C. A., Schmid, A. A., & Portz, J. D. (2021). Yoga for caregiving dyads experiencing chronic pain: Protocol development for merging yoga and self-management to develop skills intervention. International Journal of Yoga, 14, 256-260.
Clancy, R. L.,* Fisher, G. G., Daigle, K. L.,* Henle, C. A., McCarthy, J. & Fruhauf, C. A. (2020). Eldercare and work among informal caregivers: A multidisciplinary review and recommendations for future research. Journal of Business & Psychology, (35) 9-27. DOI: 10.1007/s10869-018-9612-3
Hinsey, K. M.,* Atler, K. E., Fruhauf, C. A., Bolster, R. A., Van Puymbroeck, M., & Schmid, A. (2018). A multi-modal intervention after Stroke: The caregiver experience. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 3(2), 010. Doi:10.21926/obm.icm.1802010.
Schmid, A. A., Van Puymbroeck, M., Portz, J. D., Atler, K. E., & Fruhauf, C. A. (2016). Merging Yoga and Occupational Therapy (MY-OT): A feasibility and pilot study. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 28, 44-49.
Fruhauf, C. A. (2012). Guiding principles for practitioners interested in career and retirement transitions with caregivers. Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, 28(2), 58-70.
Fruhauf, C. A., & Orel, N. A. (2008). Developmental issues of grandchildren who provide care to grandparents. International Journal of Aging & Human Development, 67, 209-230.
Fruhauf, C. A., & Aberle, J. M.* (2007). Women caring for partners with dementia: A contextual model for assessment and supportive intervention. In D. Linville, K. M. Hertlein, and Associates (Eds.), The therapist’s notebook for family health care: Homework, handouts, and activities for individuals, couples, and families coping with illness, loss, and disability (pp. 157-165). Binghamton, NY: The Hayworth Press.
Fruhauf, C. A., Jarrott, S. E., & Allen, K. R. (2006). Grandchildren’s perceptions of caring for grandparents. Journal of Family Issues, 27, 887-911.