IT Services
Citrix (virtual desktop)
Citrix is a web-based portal that allows you to connect to a virtual desktop. It provides you with access to your M: drive and other network storage (P:, X:, S:, and R: drives), as well as specific software packages. Citrix is accessible from on or off campus and is available to the College of Health and Human Sciences’ students, faculty, and staff.
College Communicators Toolbox
The College Communicators Toolbox provides faculty and staff with the guidelines and resources needed to create documents using the official college and University brands.
Custom Application Development
We develop custom applications and databases for faculty and staff when requested. We endeavor to accomplish these projects on a cost-recovery basis, so we ask that faculty and staff work with us as early as possible when thinking of developing a new application or including application development in a grant proposal.
E-commerce Applications
We support the development and maintenance of e-commerce applications for viable business ventures in the college.
File Storage
The M:, P:, X:, S:, and R: drives provide a place to store your files and can be accessed from virtually anywhere. They are hosted on college systems and backed up on a regular schedule.
When ordering technology-related equipment and software, faculty and staff are required to work with our college IT group to ensure compatibility and support and expedite delivery.
Please refer to the IT-Related Purchases section on our IT Policies and Guidelines page.
Student Computer Labs
Students in our college pay a technology fee each semester to ensure state-of-the-art equipment and software is available to them. The technology fee is invested with the general oversight of the college’s student council.
Working collaboratively with students and faculty, our IT group offers an atmosphere closely modeled after industry standards. Whether your interest is apparel design, biomechanics, dietary analysis, or construction management, the technology available to you is representative of that found in the private sector.
Web Services
We provide website hosting for academic units, centers, institutes, and special programs within the College. We utilize WordPress for our content management system and Siteimprove for quality assurance and accessibility scans.
If you would like to explore bringing up a new website hosted by CHHS, please reach out to your unit communications coordinator to get the process started. College IT will then work with you and your unit communications coordinator to determine the feasibility and timeline of the project.