Student Life
Find your difference-making, difference-celebrating energy at Colorado State University. When you step on our campus, you’re free to pursue what inspires you, inside and outside classroom walls.
Getting Involved
In addition to friendships and fun, student organizations provide opportunities to build leadership skills, learn about potential careers and employers, and network with professionals in your field of study.
Living on Campus
We are all about improving health and well-being where we live, learn, work, and play. Living on campus provides a built-in community where everything you need is right here, so you can focus on learning.
80+ countries to choose from for study abroad
More than 32 student clubs and organizations in the College of Health and Human Sciences
88% of students complete an internship before graduation
Hands-On Learning
Health and Human Sciences students learn by doing. Research and innovation in our disciplines help to inform real-world practices. We encourage students to take the skills they are learning in the classroom and apply them in professional, hands-on settings. These include internships, practicums, student employment, research, and study abroad.