Ram Welcome College Day We can't wait to see you!
For incoming first-year and transfer students, the next part of your orientation experience is to engage in Ram Welcome. Begin your successful adjustment to CSU by exploring academic programs, engaging with faculty and staff, and learning about the many services and resources available in our college to support your educational journey!

Welcome to the CSU College of Health and Human Sciences Ten things to know about your college
Your college – the College of Health and Human Sciences – is one of the most diverse colleges at CSU with six departments and two schools. You and your peers are future designers, nutritionists, health experts, therapists, educators, builders, innovators, and change-makers. Our collective passion for people is what ties us all together. Visit this infographic flyer to learn more about your college.
College Day Schedule - Friday, August 16, 2024
View the full schedule of Ram Welcome events on the Orientation and Transition Programs website.
Parents and Families Ram Welcome Parent and Family Sessions
The University’s Ram Welcome program takes place during Move-In week to welcome all new students, parents, and families to Colorado State University. While all new students are expected to participate in their Ram Welcome experience, CSU also offers optional information sessions for parents and families. Ram Welcome programs for parents and families build upon the summer Ram orientation experience and provide information to aid in the transition to Colorado State University by getting to know academic colleges, meeting faculty, staff, and administrators, and learning about the many services available to support your student. See the University Ram Welcome website for programming for parents and families.