Research and Scholarship Optimizing Human Health and Well-being through Discovery and Innovation
Connect with Us Life Changing Research
Our research and scholarship in CSU’s College of Health and Human Sciences aims to improve physical, mental, and social well-being of people – for life. As a human-centered college, we believe that research and creative scholarship should not only contribute to scientific knowledge, but also be translated into programs, policies, and applications that put that knowledge to work.
$16.5 million in research expenditures for 2023-24
Most NIH Career Development Awards at CSU Over the past 10 years
56 Researchers with at least one active funded research project, representing all 9 units and 47 different funding sources
Featured Research
Areas of Excellence
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Research
The College is committed to research that promotes health equity. The following resources support our diverse populations of students and researchers in the College.
CSU Graduate School Diversity and Mentoring
CSU's Multicultural Undergraduate Research Art and Leadership Symposium (MURALS)
CSU's Women in Science Network
Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM)
American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education
Faculty Research Programs
Find information on individual faculty research programs and labs on our unit websites.
Programs of Research and Scholarly Excellence designated by the Vice President for Research Office
Human Performance Clinical Research Laboratory
Contact Dr. Barry Braun, Department Head, Health and Exercise Science, by phone at (970) 491-7875.
Institute for the Built Environment
Contact Dr. Brian Dunbar, Executive Director, by phone at (970) 491-5041.
Occupational Therapy Program
Contact Dr. Anita Bundy, Department Head, Occupational Therapy, by phone at (970) 491-3105.