Research Overview
Our team uses various Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) techniques to study the aging brain. In particular, we are interested in understanding the role of white matter in cognitive aging and brain function. White matter contains the myelinated axons – the cables or wiring of our brains. If those cables become damaged – just as in a computer – the brain becomes “disconnected”, which may lead to cognitive deficits.
In our lab, we use diffusion MRI as well as myelin water imaging and quantitative magnetization transfer techniques to characterize the aging white matter, identify protective lifestyle factors, and evaluate the effects of lifestyle interventions on white matter health. We also use fMRI and measures of brain volume.
To identify modifiers and correlates of brain aging we use sensor-based measures of physical activity, a variety of cognitive assessments, occupational surveys, and study dancers or athletes.
Selected Publications
Burzynska, A. Z., (2021) Editorial: Work and Brain Health Across the Lifespan, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15 (469)
Mendez Colmenares*, A., Voss, M. W., Fanning, J., Salerno, E. A., Gothe, N. P., Thomas, M. L., McAuley, E., Kramer, A. F., & Burzynska, A. Z., (2021). 6-month aerobic walking training increases T1w/T2w signal in the healthy aging white matter. Neuroimage, 239, 118305.
Morris, T.P., Kucyi, A., Anteraper, S. A., Geddes, M. R., Nieto-Castañon, A., Burzynska, A. Z., Gothe, N., Fanning, J., Salerno, E., Whitfield-Gabrieli, S., Hillman, C. H., McAuley, E., Kramer, A. F. Resting State Functional Connectivity Predicts Future Changes in Sedentary Behavior.
Burzynska, A. Z., Voss, M. W., Fanning, J., Salerno, E. A., Gothe, N. P., McAuley, E., & Kramer, A. F. (2020). Sensor-Measured Sedentariness and Physical Activity Are Differentially Related to Fluid and Crystallized Abilities in Aging. Psychology and Aging, 35(8).
Burzynska, A. Z., Ganster, D. C., Fanning, J., Salerno, E. A., Gothe, N. P., Voss, M. W., McAuley, E., & Kramer, A. F. (2020). Occupational Physical Stress Is Negatively Associated With Hippocampal Volume and Memory in Older Adults. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14, 266.
Hiscox, L. V., McGarry, M., Schwarb, H., Van Houten, E., Pohlig, R. T., Roberts, N., Huesmann, G. R., Burzynska, A. Z., Sutton, B. P., Hillman, C. H., Kramer, A. F., Cohen, N. J., Barbey, A. K., Paulsen, K. D., & Johnson, C. L. (2020). Standard-space atlas of the viscoelastic properties of the human brain. Human brain mapping, 41(18), 5282–5300.
Burzynska, A. Z., Jiao*, Y., & Ganster, D. C. (2019). Adult-life occupational exposures: Enriched environment or a stressor for the aging brain? Work, Aging and Retirement.
Tan, C. H., Low, K. A., Chiarelli, A. M., Fletcher, M. A., Navarra, R., Burzynska, A. Z., Kong, T. S., Zimmerman, B., Maclin, E. L., Sutton, B. P., Gratton, G., & Fabiani, M. (2019). Optical measures of cerebral arterial stiffness are associated with white matter signal abnormalities and cognitive performance in normal aging. Neurobiology of Aging, 84, 200–207.
Baniqued, P. L., Gallen, C. L., Voss, M. W., Burzynska, A. Z., Wong, C. N., Cooke, G. E., Duffy, K., Fanning, J., Ehlers, D. K., Salerno, E. A., Aguiñaga, S., McAuley, E., Kramer, A. F., & D’Esposito, M. (2018). Brain network modularity predicts exercise-related executive function gains in older adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 9, 426.
Voss, M. W., Sutterer, M., Weng, T. B., Burzynska, A. Z., Fanning, J., Salerno, E., Gothe, N. P., Ehlers, D. K., McAuley, E., & Kramer, A. F. (2018). Nutritional supplementation boosts aerobic exercise effects on functional brain systems. Journal of Applied Physiology, japplphysiol.00917.2017.
Kranz*, M. B., Voss, M. W., Cooke, G. E., Banducci*, S. E., Burzynska, A. Z., & Kramer, A. F. (2018). The cortical structure of functional networks associated with age-related cognitive abilities in older adults. PloS one, 13(9), e0204280.
Burzynska, A. Z., Finc*, K., Taylor*, B. K., Knecht, A. M., & Kramer, A. F. (2017). The dancing brain: Structural and functional signatures of expert dance training. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11.
Burzynska, A. Z., Jiao*, Y., Knecht, A. M., Fanning, J., Awick, E. A., Chen, T., Gothe, N., Voss, M. W., McAuley, E., & Kramer, A. F. (2017). White matter integrity declined over 6-months, but dance intervention improved integrity of the Fornix of older adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 9, 59.
Ehlers, D. K., Daugherty, A. M., Burzynska, A. Z., Fanning, J., Awick, E. A., Chaddock-Heyman, L., Kramer, A. F., & McAuley, E. (2017). Regional brain volumes moderate, but do not mediate, the effects of group-based exercise training on reductions in loneliness in older adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 9, 110.
Fanning, J., Porter, G., Awick, E. A., Ehlers, D. K., Roberts, S. A., Cooke, G., Burzynska, A. Z., Voss, M. W., Kramer, A. F., & McAuley, E. (2017). Replacing sedentary time with sleep, light, or moderate-to-vigorous physical activity: effects on self-regulation and executive functioning. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 40(2), 332–342.
Burzynska, A. Z., Malinin L. (2017). Enriched environments for healthy aging: Qualities of senior housing designs promoting brain and cognitive health. Seniors Housing & Care Journal. 25:1. Paper of Merit.
Burzynska, A. Z., Wong, C. N., Chaddock-Heyman, L., Olson, E. A., Gothe, N. P., Knecht, A., Voss, M. W., McAuley, E., & Kramer, A. F. (2016). White matter integrity, hippocampal volume, and cognitive performance of a world-famous nonagenarian track-and-field athlete. Neurocase, 22(2), 135–144.
Voss, M. W., Weng, T. B., Burzynska, A. Z., Wong*, C. N., Cooke, G. E., Clark, R., Fanning, J., Awick, E., Gothe, N. P., Olson, E. A., McAuley, E., & Kramer, A. F. (2016). Fitness, but not physical activity, is related to functional integrity of brain networks associated with aging. NeuroImage, 131, 113–125.
IF 2017: 5.426 5-year: 7.079, # citations: 67
AZB contribution: collected and organized of data from the clinical trial, edited and revised manuscript; approved final version of manuscript
Oberlin, L. E., Verstynen, T. D., Burzynska, A. Z., Voss, M. W., Prakash, R. S., Chaddock-Heyman, L., Wong, C., Fanning, J., Awick, E., Gothe, N., Phillips, S. M., Mailey, E., Ehlers, D., Olson, E., Wojcicki, T., McAuley, E., Kramer, A. F., & Erickson, K. I. (2016). White matter microstructure mediates the relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness and spatial working memory in older adults. NeuroImage, 131, 91–101.
Burzynska, A. Z., Wong*, C. N., Voss, M. W., Cooke, G. E., McAuley, E., & Kramer, A. F. (2015). White matter integrity supports BOLD signal variability and cognitive performance in the aging human brain. PLoS ONE, 10(4).
Burzynska, A. Z., Wong*, C. N., Voss, M. W., Cooke, G. E., Gothe, N. P., Fanning, J., McAuley, E., & Kramer, A. F. (2015). Physical activity is linked to greater moment-to-moment variability in spontaneous brain activity in older adults. PLoS ONE.
Wong*, C. N., Chaddock-Heyman, L., Voss, M. W., Burzynska, A. Z., Basak, C., Erickson, K. I., Prakash, R. S., Szabo-Reed, A. N., Phillips, S. M., Wojcicki, T., Mailey, E. L., McAuley, E., & Kramer, A. F. (2015). Brain activation during dual-task processing is associated with cardiorespiratory fitness and performance in older adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 7, 154.
Garrett, D. D., Nagel, I. E., Preuschhof, C., Burzynska, A. Z., Marchner*, J., Wiegert*, S., Jungehülsing, G. J., Nyberg, L., Villringer, A., Li, S.-C., Heekeren, H. R., Bäckman, L., & Lindenberger, U. (2015). Amphetamine modulates brain signal variability and working memory in younger and older adults. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(24), 7593 LP – 7598.