Discipline Policy
The YSC staff will deal with the normal day to day minor behavioral problems. Excessive and very disruptive behaviors include but they may not be limited to the following:
- Physically or verbally hurting other children
- Property damage
- Stealing
- Use of foul or vulgar language
- Leaving camp grounds without parental permission
Excessive and very disruptive behaviors will be handled in the following manner:
The child’s behavior will be logged. This will include a narrative of what happened.
- First Time – The child will be isolated from the other children
- Second Time – The parent will be called
- Third Time – The child will not be allowed to enter the program for at least 2 days
- Fourth Time – The child will not be allowed to return to the program for the duration of the summer
In extreme behavior cases wherein another camper or staff member is determined to be at risk, YSC administration reserves the right to move immediately to a higher step of the disciplinary plan, if such action is deemed necessary.
No refunds will be given if a camper is removed from the camp for disciplinary reasons
Lost and Found Policy
Please do not send excessive amounts of cash or expensive items (radios, electronic games, MP3 players, etc) to camp or on field trips with your campers. Although we will take efforts to monitor suspicious activities, we cannot be help responsible for any items that are lost or stolen during camp or field trips.
Please help your campers to keep up with their belongings. Items found in camps will be placed in lost and found (located in Moby). At the end of the summer, we will make an effort to contact owners of valuable items with identification, but this is not always possible. All unclaimed items will be donated to a local charity on or after October 1.
Food/Beverage Policy
On Fridays, YSC provides pizza for all campers. Campers are responsible for providing their own snacks (snack time will be offered in the mornings and during movie time in the afternoon) and for providing their own lunches Monday-Thursday.
One of the camp’s major goals is to promote healthy behaviors and eating habits. Therefore, the carbonated beverage vending machines will be off-limits to campers. Campers are welcome to purchase juices, water, or other noncarbonated beverages from these machines.
Field Trips/Supervision Policy
On field trips, we depend on parent volunteer chaperones to help with supervision. We will maintain a mean camper-to-chaperone ratio of 4:1 or less on all trips.
Weather Policy
On inclement weather days, we will make every effort to provide alternate programming for children on outdoor camps. On some occasions, due to limited facilities, these alternate activities may not be directly related to the specific sport focus of the camp. We will do everything in our power to provide safe, active, and appropriate programming until we are able to return to our normal activities. Camps will not be cancelled for inclement weather, and refunds will not be issued for inclement weather.
Attendance Policy
Your camp payment entitles your child to attend camp for one week. Unfortunately, we are unable to arrange make-up days for children who are forced to miss one or more days during that week.
Health and Medical Policy
In the best interest of your child, as well as the other children and the staff, please do not send your child to the program when he/she is ill.
If your child should become ill while at the program, you will be notified to come and pick up your child. We do not have the facilities or the staff to supervise and care for sick children.
We ask the following:
- Make arrangements for alternate care before your child becomes ill.
- Be sure that alternate and emergency numbers are up to date.
- Please keep the staff at the camp informed of any significant medical incidents that may be cause for concern such as:
- Exposure to communicable disease
- Updates on any allergies your child may have
- Any medication being given at home
If your child needs to take any medication while at the program, you MUST have a doctor’s permission slip. This must state the type of medication, the dosage and be addressed to the YSC. The medication MUST be in its original container.
Minor – Will be handled by YSC
Major – CSU Health and Medical Center
Very major – 911/ UCHealth Poudre Valley Hospital
If a child needs emergency attention, all efforts to notify the parent(s) about the circumstances will be made. In the event the parent(s) cannot be reached, the director will notify the person listed as the emergency contact and continue to phone the parent(s) until they can be reached.