Human Development and Family Studies Student Outreach and Undergraduate Leadership
SOUL meets every Tuesday from 5 to 6 p.m. in the Behavioral Sciences Building, Room 105. SOUL connects HDFS students, the University, and the Fort Collins community through a variety of leadership and service projects.
The benefits of getting involved with SOUL include credit toward graduation as well as developing valuable leadership skills. Members work closely with the HDFS department, establishing contacts for future events. Registration takes place at the first meeting of the semester. Students registered for credit for SOUL are required to attend meetings each week.
SOUL is solely funded by donations from Colorado State University and Fort Collins communities. These donations and fundraising efforts made by SOUL members are what make all of our community service projects possible.
What to Expect
Things we do
- Volunteering Opportunities
- Giving back to the Community
- Developing a Network
- Meeting and Connecting with Professionals in the field
- Gain Leadership Skills
- Team Bonding with fun social events!
- And so much more!
Places we volunteer
- A Little Help
- Ramride
- Service Saturday
- Loveland Youth Gardeners
- Autism Research Fair
- Humane Society
- Fall Cleanup
- Hearts and Horses
- Food Bank
- Animal Friends Alliance
- Thanksgiving Baskets
- Finally Home
- Treatsylvania
- Colorado Children’s Hospital
- Habitat for Humanity
- Grace Upon Grace Project
Events we participate in
- Early Childhood Center Pancake Breakfast
- Fall Clean Up
- Thanksgiving Baskets Service Project
- Kids at Heart
- CSUnity
- Finally Home Foundation
- Homeless Gear
- Adaptive Swim
- Respitality
- RamRide
Guest speakers
- Occupational Therapy
- Clinical Therapy
- Volunteer Coordinating
- Elementary Education
- Dyslexia Specialist
- School Principals
- Entrepreneurism
- Mental Health
- Nonprofit work
- Resume and Interview Skills
- Special Education
- Counseling
- Psychologists
- Human Resources