Human Performance Clinical Research Lab Practicum Opportunities
The Human Performance Clinical Research Laboratory serves as a site for practicum students. We accept both undergraduate and graduate students. The HPCRL requirements supersede any University requirements. Interns must dress professionally. Jeans, shorts, and T-shirts are not appropriate attire. Good human relations and communication skills are important. Practicum students should be prepared to provide mature and professional responses to the HPCRL participants.
The purpose of the practicum experience is to provide an environment for students to develop clinical skills that will prepare them for careers in cardiac rehabilitation, preventative health care settings, health promotion, and human performance testing. Specific areas include exercise testing, body composition analysis, pulmonary function, electrocardiography interpretation, and physical activity interventions.
CSU students in HES 486 Practicum in Wellness Management may wish to consider this site if their future aspirations include work in the fields of physiological testing, cardiac rehabilitation and/or health promotion. If your interest includes physiological testing such as stress testing, we encourage you to take HES 420 Electrocardiography and Exercise Management before or concurrent with your practicum placement in the HPCRL.
Please complete an application for practicum placement in the HPCRL.
Please forward the application to:
Tiffany Lipsey, M. Ed., ACSM Clinical Exercise Physiologist, EIM 3, COHC
Director, Heart Disease Prevention Program
Human Performance Clinical Research Laboratory
Department of Health and Exercise Science
Colorado State University
1582 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1582
Phone: (970) 491-7035