Student Organizations and Clubs
Student Occupational Therapy Association
SOTA is open to all current occupational therapy doctoral degree students, as well as undergraduate students who are interested in occupational therapy as a career. The objectives of the CSU chapter of SOTA are:
- To promote interest in occupational therapy on this campus and in the community;
- To improve and advance education in occupational therapy;
- To provide an opportunity for socializing among occupational therapy students;
- To provide opportunities for occupational therapy students to engage in community service projects;
- To maintain communication with other occupational therapy students in the state and across the nation, including involvement in the Assembly of Student Delegates and the Occupational Therapy Association of Colorado, and
- To provide a forum for discussion between students and faculty regarding the educational goals, policies, and issues within the department as they relate to student education and affairs.
The SOTA chapter meets regularly. Some recent activities of SOTA include volunteering at Harvest Farms, organizing a silent auction to raise funds for students to attend the American Occupational Therapy Association conference and organizing a mentoring system between first- and second-year professional students.
Pi Theta Epsilon
“Pi Theta” is a national honor society for occupational therapy students. It recognizes and encourages superior scholarship among students in professional entry-level programs across the United States. The objectives of Pi Theta are:
- To contribute to the advancement of occupational therapy through special projects of its members;
- To provide relationships among occupational therapy schools, and
- To work in cooperation with SOTA.
Pi Theta sponsors “brown bag” lunches where students and faculty can meet and discuss innovative professional research and often sponsors speakers from the community to speak on occupational therapy related topics. These discussions and lectures are open to all faculty, professional students, and alumni.
For more information on SOTA and Pi Theta please send an email to the occupational therapy department at
OTech at CSU is a branch of OTech Canada and shares the mission of preparing future occupational therapy practitioners to be knowledgeable about assistive and mainstream technologies and become active contributors in dialogue surrounding technology development. The goal of our chapter is to help OT students feel better prepared to use assistive technology and universal design in everyday tech to better serve patients in common practice settings. OTech at CSU will partner with the Assistive Technology Resource Center to incorporate hands-on learning experiences for members. Additional events held may include educational workshops, guest speaker events, and device demonstrations.
Membership is open to all CSU students with an interest in occupational therapy and assistive technology or universal design. Please email for more information.
CSU Diverse OT
Diverse-OT aims to advance the cultural climate within occupational therapy programs across the country by providing opportunities for discussion and education on equity and inclusion. We strive to create pathways for underrepresented students into occupational therapy programs and to foster a strong community of occupational therapy students who are knowledgeable about the experiences of underrepresented peoples and equipped to address health inequities.
Please email for more information.
Rehabilitations Therapy Club
The Pre-Occupational Therapy Club, a branch of the Rehabilitations Therapy Club, is open to all current CSU undergraduate students who are interested in occupational therapy, as well as students who want to learn more about occupational therapy as a career. The goals of the club at CSU are:
- To provide an awareness of the occupational therapy profession;
- To provide information about accredited occupational therapy graduate schools, the entrance requirements, and the application process; and
- Provide a support network for pre-occupational therapy students to socialize and participate in events such as volunteer and community service opportunities.
The Rehabilitations Therapy Club strives to maintain a strong relationship with the CSU Department of Occupational Therapy as well as the SOTA, OTAC, and Phi Theta organizations. The club meets regularly during the fall and spring semesters and participates in events sponsored by the other occupational therapy organizations. Some recent activities of the club include the fourth Annual Easter Egg Hunt for Children with Special Needs, an end of the spring semester pot-luck at City Park, and a guest speaker who is an occupational therapist in a hospital setting.
For more information regarding the club or the meeting schedule please contact the officers at