Lab Director

Dr. Jain Kwon is the director of the Spatial Perception and Cognitive Experience (SPACE) Lab and an assistant professor of Interior Architecture and Design at Colorado State University. Her research bridges the empirical and theoretical aspects of interior design, focusing on the impact of built environments on human experience, with attention to neurodiversity. Her work encompasses topics such as body-space interaction in multisensory contexts, perception and cognition in wayfinding, the role of color in spatial experiences, and symbolic interaction in built environments. Dr. Kwon’s research team employs a range of advanced technologies—including building information modeling (BIM), eye tracking, electroencephalography (EEG), and virtual reality (VR)—to conduct empirical studies and design assessments. With over 25 years of experience as a designer, educator, and researcher, she integrates her research into her teaching and co-design practice, advocating for the role of academic research in advancing design education and practice. Viewing interiors within the broader context of human environments, Dr. Kwon collaborates with experts across behavioral and social sciences, communication, healthcare, and neuroscience.
Lab Affiliates and Collaborators Current Lab Affiliates
Colleen Hanley
Undergraduate Research Trainee
Karime Marrufo Legarda
Non-Student Affiliate, Interior Designer
Chenyi (Roy) Luo
Lab Affiliate, Graduate Student
Alyssa Oshiro
Non-Student Affiliate
Campbell Schildt
Undergraduate Research Trainee
Susanne (Zann) Tousignant
Non-Student Affiliate, Architectural Designer
Zining Zhu
Undergraduate Research Trainee
Project Sponsors and Collaborators
Lab Affiliates and Collaborators Past Affiliates
Alea Schmidt
Carla Galvanoni
Graduate Research Assistant
Suzie Linihan
Graduate Research Assistant
Carson Colwell
Undergraduate Student, Interior Architecture and Design
Alyssa Iedema
Design and Merchandising, M.S. ID Specialization Alumna
Kira Peterson
Interior Designer, HKS, Denver, CO
Eunwoo Sam Jun
Architectural Designer, MBH Architects, San Francisco, CA
Karina Martinez
Interior Architecture and Design Alumna
Ellie Escobar
Interior Architecture and Design Alumna
Olivia Brett
Graphic Design Alumna
Lillian Choi
Interior Architecture and Design Alumna
Alexandra Kirby
Interior Designer, Xan Creative, Denver, CO