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De-stress with Pets

Sponsored by the CSU School of Social Work, HABIC-certified teams interact with small groups of college students to promote well-being. Follow @humananimalbondcolorado on Instagram for event information.

human-animal bond in colorado center in the school of social work volunteer dog with students on the colorado state university campus

Upcoming Events

Lunch & Learn Online with HABIC

You’re invited to join HABIC for a series of three engaging FREE online conversations in Spring 2024. Explore the art of understanding and cultivate deeper connections by enhancing your listening skills – whether it’s connecting with fellow humans, understanding the unique perspectives of cats, or fostering meaningful bonds with dogs!

Watch the Recording Jan. 31, 12-1 p.m. Explore the therapeutic benefits of human-animal interactions and the role of active listening in fostering meaningful connections between therapy animals and the people they serve. We will discuss the impact of empathy and effective communication in the context of therapy.

Watch the Recording March 6, 12-1 p.m. Delve into the unique ways cats communicate, both verbally and nonverbally. We will explore the subtleties of feline body language, vocalizations, and behaviors, as well as the importance of attentive listening to strengthen the bond between humans and their feline companions.

Watch the Recording April 17, 12-1 p.m. Examine the communication styles of dogs, emphasizing the role of active listening in building trust and enhancing the human-dog relationship. We will cover topics such as body language, vocal cues, and the emotional intelligence of dogs, as well as provide practical tips for effective communication and understanding.


Request HABIC Teams for Your Event

HABIC’s therapy animals are trained to provide goal-directed interventions to individuals and/or small groups. For one-time events that help advance our mission, HABIC will sponsor multiple human-animal teams for small groups, such as de-stress workshops or wellness events. HABIC provides one-time event services in the Northern Colorado area. To request HABIC teams, please complete our online request form. Note: We need to receive this form at least 30 days prior to the date of the event in order to accommodate your request. Please contact us at with questions.

human-animal bond in colorado therapy dog with csu students