Fieldwork Fieldwork Educators
As a fieldwork educator, you provide an important and unique role supporting the educational bridge linking our occupational therapy academic program with practice.
We appreciate the time and expertise you bring to the role as a fieldwork educator to build a fieldwork program to complement our curriculum design and student’s program of study. We look forward to working with you and encourage you to contact us with your questions.
Please take a few moments to review our program and access the resources for fieldwork education. Our current forms and information packets are available below.
Occupational Therapy Fieldwork
Occupational therapy fieldwork is an integral component of occupational therapy education, providing students with invaluable real-world experience to apply their theoretical knowledge in fieldwork settings. During fieldwork, students learn to engage in a holistic and occupation-based manner, tailoring interventions to help clients, communities, and populations regain or enhance their participation in meaningful activities. According to the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), fieldwork immerses students in diverse practice environments, fostering the development of clinical reasoning, communication skills, and cultural competence. By collaborating with experienced practitioners, students refine their ability to assess clients’ unique needs, set client-centered goals, and implement effective interventions that promote functional independence and overall well-being.
Source: American Occupational Therapy Association. (2020). “Occupational Therapy Fieldwork.“
IEL Fieldwork Evaluation of Student
- The IEL fieldwork evaluation is a parallel document with the Level II Fieldwork Performance Evaluation to bridge performance expectations from IEL to Level II fieldwork. The sections of the evaluation include Fundamentals of Practice, Basic Tenets of Occupational Therapy, Evaluation and Screening, Intervention, Management of OT Services, Communication, and Professional Behaviors.
- The evaluation will be completed using the Exxat online portal.
- The student will complete the evaluation on themselves and once completed, will send this document to the fieldwork educator to complete.
- The student evaluation meetings are an opportunity for the fieldwork educator to provide positive and constructive feedback on professional growth and development for a student therapist, which will shape the student’s self-reflection and areas to grow during future fieldwork placements.
- Keep in mind that everyone views things in a different way and there is always the chance a student may disagree with some of the feedback. Constructive feedback is essential for professional growth and increased understanding about developing an identity as a student therapist.
- We value your professional judgment regarding a student’s preparation for continuing forward with Level II fieldwork. Sometimes a student needs more experience before progressing. Please contact the AFWC, Alison Herman if you have any concerns with the student’s performance as soon as the thought enters your mind. I am available to assist and advise you and the student at any time during the placement and after it is completed.
Level II Fieldwork Evaluation of Student
In 2020, the AOTA Fieldwork Performance Evaluation (AOTA FWPE) was revised and is scored using the Formstack online portal. While it may look similar, some of the questions are different and the scoring criteria has changed. Here are a few of the key changes:
- At mid-term, there is no pass/fail score.
- At final, the criterion for passing is 111 points. The previous version criterion for passing was 122. Please make note of this in your scoring.
- At final, students must score a 3 or higher on questions #1, #2, and #3.
- At final, if a student scores a 1 on any item the student may not pass.
- All questions must be scored for both mid-term and final.
- New AOTA Fieldwork Performance Evaluation and Formstack
Student Evaluation of the Fieldwork Experience (SEFWE)
- This is the student’s evaluation of the fieldwork site, your supervisory approach, and their learning experience completed in Exxat. This form will be completed online by the student and submitted electronically. The fieldwork educator will not gain automatic access to this form and must ask the student for a copy if one is requested.
- The student should review the SEFWE at the final meeting before the end of the placement.
- As the student completes the SEFWE they are to consider this opportunity to give constructive feedback about their educational experiences during the placement. This is not about critiquing your quality and effectiveness as an OT practitioner or professional. Students will focus on the value of their learning experiences during the fieldwork.
Fieldwork Educator Resources
- Evenson, M. E., Roberts, M., Kaldenberg, J., Barnes, M. A., & Ozelie, R. (2015). Brief Report—National survey of fieldwork educators: Implications for occupational therapy education. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 69 (Suppl. 2),
- Hanson, D. & DeIuliis, E. (2015). The collaborative model of fieldwork education: A blueprint for group supervision of students. Occupational Therapy In Health Care, 1–17, DOI: 10.3109/07380577.2015.1011297.
- Kemp, E. & Crabtree, J.L. (2018): Differentiating fieldwork settings: Matching student characteristics to demands, Occupational Therapy In Health Care, DOI: 10.1080/07380577.2018.1491084.
- Ozelie, R., Janow, J., Kreutz, C., Mulry, M. K., & Penkala, A. (2015). Supervision of occupational therapy level II fieldwork students: Impact on and predictors of clinician productivity. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 69,
- Varland, J., Cardell, E., Koski, J., & McFadden, M. (2017). Factors Influencing Occupational Therapists’ Decision to Supervise Fieldwork Students. Occupational Therapy In Health Care, 31(3), 238–254.
- Hanson, D., & DeIuliis, E. (2022). Fieldwork Educator’s Guide to Level I Fieldwork (1st ed.). Routledge.
- DeIuliis, E., & Hanson, D. (2022). Fieldwork Educator’s Guide to Level II Fieldwork (1st ed.). Routledge.
- Marie-Lyne Grenier; Facilitators and Barriers to Learning in Occupational Therapy Fieldwork Education: Student Perspectives. American Journal of Occupational Therapy September/October 2015, Vol. 69(Supplement_2), 6912185070p1–6912185070p9. doi:
- Kemp, E. L., & Crabtree, J. L. (2018). Differentiating Fieldwork Settings: Matching Student Characteristics to Demands. Occupational Therapy In Health Care, 32(3), 216–229.
- Mulholland S, Derdall M, Roy B. The Student’s Perspective on What Makes an Exceptional Practice Placement Educator. British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2006;69(12):567-571. doi:10.1177/030802260606901206