Pat Kendall Faculty, Food Science and Human Nutrition, 1974 - 2013, Associate Dean for Research, College of Health and Human Sciences, 2009 - 2013
Pat Kendall, associate dean for research in the College of Health and Human Sciences, and professor in Food Science and Human Nutrition, retired in 2013. She joined Food Science and Human Nutrition as a research associate in 1974, then became an extension specialist in 1976, a role she held for 30-plus years. During that time, she developed a reputation as one of the top experts in the country in food-safety education.
2014 Legacies Honorees Compilation Video
Pat Kendall was part of a compilation video featuring her story, along with Legacies Honorees Rich Feller, Antigone Kotsiopulos, and Jill Kreutzer.
Watch Pat Kendall’s personal video and hear her stories and memories.