2025 Save the date for 2025!
The 2025 Design and Merchandising Fashion Show will take place on May 2, 2025. Stay tuned for more details coming Spring 2025.
Walk the Kaleidoscope Program
Read the Walk the Kaleidoscope Program to learn more about our show, our designers, the night’s judges, and more! The Walk the Kaleidoscope Program was created by the marketing and promotions committee in DM474 Fashion Show Planning Class. Lead editor and designer: Nathalia Barajas-Olvera.
Images and designs may be subject to copyright protection and may only be reproduced with permission.

Walk the Kaleidoscope In the Press
Walk the Kaleidoscope 2024 Platinum Sponsor
Davis & Davis Company
Walk the Kaleidoscope 2024 Bronze Sponsors
Ivy Boutique, Nancy Hartley, Mugs Coffee, Pilar Boutique
Donate to Our Annual Fashion Show
Sponsors like you help make this show possible through your support of the talent and aspirations of young designers and merchandisers. Browse our sponsorship packages and find an option that suits your organization. We are always grateful for your donations to help showcase our extraordinary student talent.

Become a Donor Today Sponsorship Packages
Benefits of Sponsorship
There are several sponsor and donation opportunities available for businesses and individuals to support the CSU Fashion Show.
Reach a broader consumer market:
- Company logo on promotional material
- Marketing to 500 attendees
- Acknowledgment across social media platforms reaching more than 1,000 followers
Monetary sponsorships are encouraged, as they support the production of our show. All gift cards and product donations will be auctioned at the VIP cocktail reception in support of the department.
Donate now on our online giving page. Contact the Department of Design and Merchandising at dminfo@colostate.edu.
Diamond Sponsorship Package ($2,500 and up)
- Company logo on all posters, flyers, and website.
- Company logo on save-the-date flyers (sent in first week of February).
- Half-page (2.5” x 4.5”) company logo in the program.
- Thank you on our social media, including Facebook and Instagram.
- Ten VIP tickets to the cocktail reception and the Fashion Show (VIP tickets valued at $75 each).
- Opportunity to share event details and links on your website and social media.
Platinum Sponsorship Package ($2,000)
- Company logo on all posters, flyers, and website.
- Half-page (2.5” x 4.5”) company logo in the program.
- Thank you on our social media, including Facebook and Instagram.
- Eight VIP tickets to the cocktail reception and the Fashion Show. (VIP tickets valued at $75 each).
- Opportunity to share event details and links on your website and social media.
Gold Sponsorship Package ($1000)
- Company logo on the website.
- Business card size (2” x 2.9”) company logo in program.
- Thank you on our social media, including Facebook and Instagram.
- Six VIP tickets to the cocktail reception and the Fashion Show. (VIP tickets valued at $75 each).
- Opportunity to share event details and links on your website and social media.
Silver Sponsorship Package ($600)
- Company logo in the sponsorship section of the program.
- Thank you on our social media, including Facebook and Instagram.
- Four VIP tickets to the cocktail reception and the Fashion Show. (Tickets valued at $75 each).
- Opportunity to share event details and links on your website and social media.
Bronze Sponsorship Package ($300)
- Company name in the sponsorship section of the program.
- Thank you on our social media, including Facebook and Instagram.
- Two VIP tickets to the cocktail reception and the Fashion Show. (Tickets valued at $75 each).
- Opportunity to share event details and links on your website and social media.
Product Donation Opportunities
In-Kind Item Donations
- Any type of gift basket, product, service, or experience for auction or door prizes.
- These donations are received “in-kind’ and will be auctioned off or given away as door prizes for students
Fashion Shows from the Past
Past Design and Merchandising Fashion Shows
The Design and Merchandising Fashion Show is an annual tradition. Explore student work, press, images, video, and sponsors from years' past.