Professional Advisory Development Board About Us
The PADB was established on Jan. 1, 2000 to support and promote the CM program at CSU. The PADB is comprised of representatives from all sectors of the construction industry with a vested interest in the continuous improvement of our program and our graduates.
We meet twice a year on the CSU campus—once in the fall and once in the spring. Dates for these meetings will be set well in advance by the advisory board chair, and notice will be provided to all members at least 30 days before each meeting. Additional sub-committee meetings will be held, as necessary, throughout the year.
Fall 2024 PADB Meeting:
The Fall meeting will be held on Thursday, December 5th on the CSU campus. Agenda and registration link will be sent to members in November.
Professional Advisory Development Board Membership Information
The Department of Construction Management at Colorado State University is committed to excellence in teaching, research, and service in and for the construction industry. The objectives and purposes of the CM PADB are to:
- Promote and improve the construction profession by education and development of a body of construction knowledge.
- Advance and support the highest quality faculty, educational facilities, and undergraduate and graduate programs for the students enrolled in the Construction Management major.
- Provide liaison between the construction industry and the Department.
- Develop and implement innovative programs which will benefit the Department and the construction industry.
- Through the active participation of the construction industry, the CM PADB shall offer advice, counsel, and provide a vision for the Department.
Individual Membership - $100
Individual members provide the foundation of the CM PADB and are often alumni that want to stay in touch with the program while supporting Construction Management at CSU.
Membership benefits include:
- Opportunity to impact the direction of the CM program through PADB meetings and subcommittees
- First look at department accomplishments and initiatives
Gold Membership - $2000
Gold members have priority access to various department events and recruiting activities. Any organization that participates is entitled to designate a representative or multiple representatives of the organization to participate in the activities of the CM PADB.
In addition to the above benefits, Gold members also receive the following:
- One discounted Career Fair booth and program advertisement each semester (no discount for Just-in-Time fair)
- Two complimentary registrations for the Construction Management Research Symposium (as scheduled)
- Priority invitation to CM student club networking events, including the fall clay shoot and spring golf tournament
- Access to upcoming graduate resumes
Platinum Membership - $3000
Platinum members have priority access to various department events and recruiting activities. Any organization that participates is entitled to designate a representative or multiple representatives of the organization to participate in the activities of the CM PADB.
In addition to the above benefits, Platinum members also receive the following:
- One complimentary 6′ Career Fair booth and program advertisement each semester (no discount for Just-in-Time fair)
- Preferential recruiting activities, including early Career Fair registration, first look at graduate resumes, and exclusive first week of recruiting
- Priority status for guest lectures, invitations to club events, student mentoring opportunities and competition teams advising, and preferential participation in the CM Leadership course (subject to availability)
Complimentary Association Membership
Association Memberships: Complimentary
Association members are representatives of various professional associations.
The advisory board chair may invite individuals representing professional associations to sit on the CM PADB. Association members, in deference to the other significant contributions to the Construction Management program, are not required to pay annual membership dues.
Membership benefits include all those of individual memberships.
Complimentary Emeritus Membership
Emeritus Memberships: Complimentary
Emeritus members are retired senior construction executives who wish to participate in the CM PADB.
The advisory board chair may invite individuals as emeritus members to the CM PADB. Emeritus members will be senior constructors who have distinguished themselves in some aspect of construction and are not required to pay annual membership dues.
Membership benefits include all those of individual memberships.