School of Education Forms and Policy Documents
Prospective students
If you are applying to the School of Education, please follow the application instructions found on our Apply to the School of Education page.
Current students
Please email the Graduate Degree Programs Coordinator to request the forms you need.
All School of Education forms are completed and submitted electronically. Form descriptions and supporting documents are outlined below.
Program Handbooks
Application Forms
Judicial Proceedings Form - Counseling and Career Development Program
The Counseling and Career Development Judicial Proceedings form must be completed and submitted as part of your application to the Counseling and Career Development M.A. program.
Judicial Proceedings Form - Education Sciences plus Teacher Licensure Program
The Education Sciences Judicial Proceedings form must be completed and submitted as part of your application to the Education Sciences M.Ed. plus teacher licensure program.
Twenty-Hour Form - Education Sciences plus Teacher Licensure Program
The Twenty-Hour form verifies your experience working with children/youth and must be included in your application to the Education Sciences M.Ed. plus teacher licensure program.
Coursework Forms
SOE Form 33A: Petition for Waiver or Substitution of Curriculum Requirements
Prepare your materials:
- Gather relevant course information including the rationale for the request and a course syllabus.
Upon contacting the Graduate Programs Office to initiate the waiver/substitution process, please provide the course number and title for the course you are waiving/substituting.
SOE Form 40: School of Education Incomplete
Requests for an incomplete should be discussed with the course instructor before requesting this form. Form SOE 40 will outline the requirements needed to complete the course.
Upon contacting the Graduate Programs Office to initiate the incomplete grade process, please provide the course number, title, and instructor.
Experiential Learning Forms
SOE Form 81: Application for Approval of Practicum
Prepare your materials:
- Gather a brief description of the practicum experience. Include the competencies, goals, rationale/value, nature of experience, learning outcomes addressed, and/or projects to be completed. You will need to attach this to the application form.
Upon contacting the Graduate Programs Office, provide the practicum supervisor’s name, phone, and email.
SOE Form 82: Application for Approval of Independent Study
Prepare your materials:
- Please gather the information to fill out the following fields on the form:
- Specific measurable objective(s) of the independent study
- Planned activities/assignments
- How will the study be of benefit to you and/or your research or future plans? What products/assignments will be produced?
- What are the criteria for assessment?
Upon contacting the Graduate Programs Office, provide the independent study instructor’s name and email.
SOE Form 91: Application for Supervised College Teaching
Students serving as a teaching assistant may enroll in Supervised College Teaching credit.
Prepare your materials:
- Meet with your supervisor (the person who will be assigning your grade) and prepare a description of your responsibilities. Please list the specific duties you will perform (e.g., grading, online discussion facilitation, etc.).
Upon contacting the Graduate Programs Office to initiate the enrollment process, please provide the name and email of the course supervisor.
SOE Form 92A: Internship Agreement
Prepare your materials:
- Please gather the information to fill out the following fields on the form:
- What are the goals/objectives of your internship experience?
- A brief description of the duties and responsibilities you expect the internship to entail.
- How will the internship experience help you in your professional development?
- How will the internship experience be used to improve your local organization?
Upon contacting the Graduate Programs Office, provide the on-site supervisor’s name and email.
Internship Evaluation Criteria (coming soon)
Forms for Doctoral Students
SOE Form 14: Intent to Complete Preliminary Examination
Once you and your dissertation adviser have determined that you are ready to complete the preliminary examination, you will submit an Intent to Complete Preliminary Examination (SOE 14) form. Upon submission of this form, you will receive your Section 3 Question within two business days.
For all other students: Preliminary Exam Process, updated March 2020
SOE Form 32: Dissertation Proposal Review
After passing your preliminary exam, you will seek official approval for your research topic by submitting a dissertation proposal to your committee.
Prepare your materials:
- Provide a copy of your proposal to each committee member, no later than two weeks before your proposal meeting.
- Contact the Graduate Programs Office to reserve a meeting room and receive the Dissertation Proposal Review form (SOE 32).
- Refer to the SOE Doctoral Student Handbook Appendices A & B for proposal formatting guidelines.
SOE Form 35: Confirmation of Scholarly Work
School of Education doctoral students are required to show evidence of submission of scholarly work beyond completion of a dissertation. This graduation requirement may be completed any time after admission to the doctoral program and no later than the last semester of enrollment. Scholarly work completed prior to admission is not eligible.
Evidence of scholarly work may take different forms such as a peer-reviewed manuscript, conference presentation, or other scholarly work, depending on your degree specialization. Refer to your specialization’s program chair(s) for additional information and guidelines.
Prepare your materials:
- One-paragraph narrative detailing how the experience shaped your perspective from a scholarly lens
- Copy of scholarly work (published or unpublished), including confirmation of article submission, scheduled presentation, or other evidence of submission
Policy Documents and Forms
School of Education Continuous Enrollment Policy
Affiliate Faculty Request Form
Students may request affiliate faculty status for individuals working at a peer institution. Faculty affiliates may participate in research projects or serve as inside committee members on graduate committees. Faculty affiliate appointment are considered for individuals who, by virtue of their expertise, are deemed capable of making a significant contribution to doctoral programs in the School of Education.
Prepare your materials:
- Support letter with candidate’s name and rationale for School of Education affiliate faculty appointment
- Candidate’s curriculum vitae
Upon contacting the Graduate Programs Office, provide the affiliate faculty member’s name, phone, and email.
Graduate School Forms
Student-initiated Graduate School forms are now available through RamWeb. Form instructions are on the Graduate School website.