Antonette Aragon Areas: Critical Multicultural Teacher Education Critical Social Theory in Education Social Justice in Education Latino/a and Students of Color in Education Intersections Between Critical Multicultural Education and Teacher Education Use of Technology Wendy Barnes (Fothergill) Areas: Building communities of practice in PK-12 schools Structures of practice to support school leader Vincent Basile Areas: Issues of equity in science and mathematics (STEM) education and STEM education policy School-to-prison pipeline, criminalization of boys of color in school settings Decriminalizing Practices in STEM education Diversification of the STEM teaching workforce Critical Race Theory Daniel Birmingham Areas: Examining the ways in which science teachers can learn from experience, expertise, and cultural practices of youth who are traditionally marginalized Providing insights into an innovative methodological model of youth design-‐based research Laurie Carlson Areas: School Counseling/School Counselor Training Supporting GLBTQ Youth and Families Assessment and Measurement Thomas Chermack Areas: Strategic Learning Human Expertise Scenario Planning Change Management Kara Coffino Areas: Issues of equity and justice in K-12 education and educator preparation Creating pathways to teaching and diversifying the teaching force Coaching in educational settings Responsive program design Culturally sustaining pedagogy Donna Cooner Areas: Professional Development Schools The Principalship Teacher Education Literacy Derek Decker Areas: Clinical Practice and Partnership Co-teaching in Teacher Preparation Kari Dockendorff Areas: Trans* Student Experiences in Higher Education Gender and Sexuality Queer Quantitative Methodologies Mixed Methods Research James Folkestad Areas: Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Serious games for learning and teaching Designing for learning analytics Analytics for learning and teaching Dyslexia and innovation Jessica Gonzalez-Voller Areas: Multicultural issues in counseling Client outcome in inpatient and outpatient counseling clients Mindfulness interventions for individuals with health and their caregivers Louise Jennings Areas: Youth Empowerment and Critical Dialogue Participatory Democracy and Education: An International Perspective Critical Multicultural Teacher Education Inquiry-based Pedagogies and Inquiry-driven Professional Development Leann Kaiser Areas: Distance Student Educational Experience Facilitating and Assessing Distance Learning Learning Transfer Alex C. Lange Areas: LGBTQ college students Transgender college students College student learning and development Qualitative research methods Angela Lewis Areas: Teacher Preparation Teacher Theory & Praxis Mastery Motivation, Executive Function, and Social–Emotional Competencies Tobin Lopes Areas: Quantitative Research Methods Online Learning and Teaching Motivation To Learn Susan Lynham Areas: Strategic Human Resource Development Responsible Leadership and Leadership Development (Including Scenario-Based) Theory Building Research in Health and Fields: Research and Multiple Methods Carole Makela Areas: Teaching and Learning Everyday Life/Consumer Issues Research/Scholarly Productivity Curriculum Development Dawn Mallette Areas: Teacher preparation (Family and Consumer Sciences and general) Teacher professional development Curriculum development High stakes testing Distance education Kelly McKenna Areas: Adult and Higher Education Technology Enhanced Teaching and Learning Distance Education Learning Communities David Most Areas: Longitudinal Data Analysis Statistical Methodology for Observational Studies Philosophical Foundations of Statistical Inference Developmental Disabilities Susana Muñoz Areas: College Persistence, Access, and Identity Development for Undocumented College Student Jackie Peila-Shuster Areas: Career development across the lifespan Gender issues in career development Career counselor education Kody Roper Areas: Counseling victims/survivors of interpersonal violence Impact of trauma on holistic wellness and career trajectories Advocacy and prevention programming around interpersonal violence Juliana Searle Areas: Co-teaching During Student Teaching Professional Development Schools Ann Sebald Areas: Cognitive Apprenticeship Model through the continuum of teacher preparation Reviewing effectiveness of apprenticeship and mentoring for the preparation of teacher candidates School district induction and mentoring programs that support educators new to the field. Jill Zarestky Areas: International Adult Education Development Education Nonprofit and Nongovernmental Organizations STEM Education