Construction Management About Student Clubs Board of Directors
The Student Clubs Board of Directors (BoD) represents the various CM clubs within the Department of Construction Management through fundraising, organizing, and planning of programs that will benefit the CM clubs and CM student body as a whole. We implement and organize policies and procedures that will allow our clubs to perform to the best of their ability.
The Department of Construction Management Student Board of Directors is a student organization that conducts itself in the utmost professional image through teamwork, learning, service, integrity, honesty, open communication, commitment, passion, and stewardship.
Our mission is to unify and organize the CM clubs, increase membership in all CM clubs, and provide students the opportunity to further their educational experience outside of the classroom.
Faculty Adviser: Anna Fontana
BoD email:
Construction Management Student Clubs Board of Directors Officers
Student Club Resources Club 'Toolbox'
Apparel Sales
Please check the calendar of events for apparel sale dates or email the CM Board of Directors for more information.
- Polo — $45 (new) $15 (old)
- Women’s Nike Polo — $40
- Long Sleeve T-Shirt — $25
- New Carhartt Hoodie — $55
- 1/4 Zip Pullover– $50
- Black Jacket (limited stock) — $65
- Trucker Hat — $30
- Baseball Hat — $25
- Carhartt Beanie — $30
- Stickers — $1, $3, $5
Please make checks payable to CMBoD. If paying by card, other fees may apply.
Student Club Expectations, Policies, and Procedures (and Annual Reports)
Expectations of Construction Management Clubs and Members:
- Club meetings should be posted to the CM Calendar within the first two weeks of the semester. Meetings should be scheduled at least once per month and dates/times should be approved by the faculty adviser and coordinated with the CMBoD and other clubs to avoid any conflicts or overlaps.
- Club officers are expected and club members are encouraged to support and participate in the following events:
- Fall & Spring CM Social & Club Involvement Fair
- Fall CM Student Clay Shoot & Spring CM Student Golf Tournament
- Each club has their own webpage and should review and notify Anna Fontana of any new officers (name, officer position, & email) immediately, as well as any updated club information that should be included.
- Each club is expected to engage in community service – whether through CM’s own CM Cares or outside nonprofit organizations. A log should be kept documenting each member’s name, service recipient/organization, volunteer date and hours; the log should be submitted as part of the club annual report at the end of the calendar year. Some good opportunities to give back: CM Cares, Habitat for Humanity, A little Help, Extreme Community Makeover, CSU Ram Ride, Respite Care, Pathways, Elderhaus, Boys & Girls Club, Food Bank, etc.
- Following any club sponsored event, provide a summary of the event including photos to the Front Office Coordinator for publication on CM’s social media channels. Email info to
- Proudly and professionally represent the Department of Construction Management and Colorado State University and adhere to the student conduct code.
- Each club is responsible for compiling an Annual Report to be submitted to Anna Fontana at by the end of each fall semester (one time each calendar year) for review by the Department Head. Email Anna Fontana for samples and previous reports. Clubs should address the following information in their report:
- Club officer listing
- Membership roster (alphabetized)
- Outline of club meetings or copy of meeting flyers or meeting minutes
- Summary of events/workshops/presentations (include announcements, fliers, event summary including attendance, and pictures)
- Annual budget and copy of most recent club bank account statement (if applicable)
- Description of any fundraising activities (include announcements, fliers, and summary including companies and amounts)
- Description of any industry outreach or involvement
- Log of volunteer/community service (include descriptions and volunteer names and hours)
- Student club mailboxes (located in the CM Front Office) should be checked at least once a week. Each club should designate an officer responsible for checking the club mailbox.
- Mail should be addressed to each club using the following template:
Club Name, (Optional – Attention):
Department of Construction Management
Colorado State University
1584 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1584
- Mail should be addressed to each club using the following template:
CSU Policy on Alcohol and Drugs
In general, clubs should avoid the use of alcohol at their meetings and events. Some larger events may incorporate networking where drinking is involved. In those cases, clubs must communicate to all attendees, both students and industry members, the following CSU Alcohol and Drug policy:
To help support the University’s mission of providing a safe and secure environment for its faculty, staff, volunteers, and students, we ask all industry participants to abide by the University’s Policy on Alcohol and Drugs (CSU Policy ID#:6-8004-001), which includes abiding by all City and State regulations regarding alcohol consumption, including appropriate identification checks. This includes acknowledging that students must be twenty-one years of age to consume alcoholic beverages and a valid form of government-issued identification is required. If alcohol and minors are present at the event, adequate steps must be taken to ensure that they are not allowed to consume alcoholic beverages. Please understand that most members of the undergraduate community (including CM students) are not of legal drinking age; and that among those who are, many do not drink alcoholic beverages at all. Individuals and/or companies that violate the University’s Policy on Alcohol and Drugs are subject to removal from the event and/or not being included in future CM student club events.
Club Meeting/Event Scheduling and Posting Procedures
A quick reference of Club Event and Posting Procedures.
- First check with the CM Front office to see what the availability is for rooms, dates, and times and WORK AROUND other club & department events (email or stop by the CM Front Office – Gugg. 102)
- Confirm/reserve your room with the Front office (email
- Once date/room is confirmed, submit your event via the CM Calendar. Be sure to include as much detail as possible (who, what, when, where, & why they should care).
Reference past events on the calendar and use consistent event titles and descriptions.
- Email event flier to Front office will review and approve fliers. Upon approval, fliers will be added to the digital screens and copies printed and placed in club mailbox for posting throughout Guggenheim and the Preconstruction Buildings.
- Include all necessary information: who, what, when, where, & why they should care
- Reference club as a student org: ‘CM Student Board of Directors’; ‘AGC Student Chapter”
- Use of CM Logos: If you use the Ram Built or CM Sawblade logo in your fliers, please note they can only be used for INTERNAL CM use and NOT outward/public facing materials.
- The front office will add the event to the calendar that posts on the information screens around the department
- Any additional postings may be hung with thumb tacks on bulletin boards ONLY! Any found using any other form of adhesive or on any other surfaces will be removed
Flyers may only be posted in the following locations:- Guggenheim: boards behind stairs, board inside front entry, board above drinking fountain on second floor, bathroom boards
- Preconstruction: boards in student lounge area, board in stairwell, bathroom boards
- Clubs are responsible for leaving spaces in better condition than they found them. TIP – before rearranging any room, take a photo to reference when returning to original set-up.
- Remove any leftover food and trash. There is a dumpster in the alley just south of Precon 122.
- If an event is being hosted by a student club and a company or industry organization, a club member must be identified as the contact for the event to be responsible for set-up, greeting the industry host/speaker, and clean-up; the club contact must be in attendance during the entire event.
- When scheduling a guest speaker for a club meeting or event, club leadership is responsible for greeting the guest, escorting the guest to the event location, and ensuring the guest has everything he/she needs for the event
- The CM Front Office should be notified of the guest speaker at least 24 hours in advance
- Each club is responsible for determining a thank you gift and follow up for all guests. Thank you gifts must be discussed and approved by the club’s faculty adviser. CM gift items are available with advanced notice to the Placement Office.
- Sign-up sheets may be posted in the CM Front Office.
- If a club event requires that students sign-up for participation, a flier with event details and sign-up sheet must be provided to the CM Front Office Coordinator before students are told to sign-up. The event flier should include:
- Event name, date, time, and location
- Deadline to sign-up
- Costs/Payment, acceptable forms of payment, and name to whom checks are to be made payable
- Requirements (recommended dress, PPE, etc.)
- Club contact (name and email) for questions
Guest Speaker and Event Funding
Student chapters of the CM program are encouraged to submit a request for funding for a presentation, training, event, or seminar with the purpose of providing ALL current CM Students with an educational or career readiness benefit.
The BoD is looking to share in the cost of one event per semester up to a maximum of $500.
Funding is not available for items such as apparel, stickers, gear, etc. for any individual club members.
Examples of appropriate funding request items: Food or marketing to encourage attendance or new members; pay for travel expenses to bring in a national speaker, training/certification costs, club kits.
After the event, clubs are expected to provide a summary within two weeks including a few photos, highlights, takeaways, date & location, number of attendees, and a breakdown of your final costs. This will be shared with the front office for use in the CM quarterly highlights.
Application Process:
Any CM student chapter may submit a request for funds. Student chapters are encouraged to work together and ‘joint-venture’ on larger events. Additional funding may be considered in these cases.
Clubs must remain active, attend all officer meetings, and keep their club webpage updated to be eligible. The funding request must be endorsed by the student club faculty adviser(s). All applications will be reviewed by the CM student Board of Directors at the weekly BoD officer meeting.
Applications should be emailed to or dropped off to Anna Fontana in 113A Guggenheim Hall.
Student Club Expectations when Engaging Industry Support
Occasionally, CSU Construction Management student clubs work with industry to solicit financial support to support club activities. One outstanding aspect of the CSU Construction Management program is the level of industry support of all that we do.
- Whenever student club members engage industry members to solicit financial support, the Department requests two items be clarified to the industry organization (e.g., industry company or industry association):
Clearly identify yourself as a student requesting support on behalf of a student club (e.g., “On behalf of the AGC Student Chapter at Colorado State University, I was wondering if….”). While student clubs are affiliated with the Department of Construction Management and Colorado State University, it is important to clarify that you are making a request on behalf of your student club rather than on behalf of the department or university. - Any donation to a student club does not qualify as donation to the department or university and therefore is will not eligible for a receipt of the gift or recognized for a tax deduction by CSU. Only donations made to the CSU Foundation, a 501(c)(3), qualify for tax deduction under the International Revenue Code
At times, an industry organization may be contacted by multiple student clubs to support different student activities. To potentially help coordinate multiple requests to a single industry organization, any student club that is requesting a donation or activity/event registration of more than $250 should notify the CSU Construction Management Board of Directors. Furthermore for requests in excess of $5,000, the club’s faculty adviser is requested to notify the Department Head to allow potential collaboration with other department development activities.
Field Trips and Jobsite Visits (Liability Release)
Any club sponsored activities (field trips, off-site meetings, training, job site tours, etc.) require each participant (student, faculty, staff, or guest) to complete a Field Trip Liability Release. All releases need to be submitted to the CM Front office within 24-hours of the event. Hard copies can be requested from the front office.
If the field trip/job site requires Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), it is the club’s responsibility to either provide required PPE for all participants or notify participants that PPE is required and participants are responsible for bringing their own.
Student Conduct Expectations when Hosting Events
This section is designed to provide students with a guideline of expected behavior while representing the Department of Construction Management and Colorado State University at events and functions during their tenure at Colorado State. These guidelines are not meant to be all inclusive and students are encouraged to ask questions of their club faculty advisers when topics and situations arise that need further discussion and clarification. Students are encouraged to read the Students Rights and Responsibilities and the Code of Conduct that govern their behavior while enrolled at Colorado State University (see alcohol below).
- Transportation: There may be instances in which the student is asked to, or chooses to provide their own transportation to a club sponsored event that may take place either on or off campus. In such case the Department of Construction Management adopts a zero tolerance policy for the use of drugs/alcohol by the driver of any vehicle that provided transportation to and from such event.
- Clubs are required to follow the DRUG AND ALCOHOL POLICY established by the University, which partially states:
- Colorado State students are expected to comply with state law regarding the purchase, possession, and consumption of alcoholic beverages.
- The sponsor of a social event could be held liable in a civil suit if state or local laws are violated (i.e., supplying alcohol to underage persons or supplying alcohol to an intoxicated person). In this case the sponsor could be the club and/or faculty member/s and/or participants in the club activity. It is the student’s responsibility to follow the limits the laws governing the use of alcohol and driving impose on the driver that is operating a motor vehicle; driving under the influence, driving while intoxicated, etcetera. Students should always use a designated driver system if the responsible use of alcohol is part of any event the student attends.
- Those planning events should remember that the vast majority of events at CSU take place without alcohol or drugs; that most members of the undergraduate community are not of legal drinking age; and that among those who are, many do not drink alcoholic beverages at all. Campus organizations that choose to plan events with alcoholic beverages are expected to maintain a reasonable balance in their programming between events with and those without the serving of alcoholic beverages, and to include and welcome nondrinking participants at every event, without exception.
- The organization scheduling the event will enforce all City and State regulations regarding alcohol consumption, including appropriate identification checks. Persons must be twenty-one years of age to consume alcoholic beverages and a valid form of government-issued identification is required. If alcohol is approved and minors are permitted to be present, adequate steps must be taken to ensure that they are not allowed to consume alcoholic beverages. Violation of campus policies may result in cancellation of the event or future events, and/or other appropriate University disciplinary action.
- The student should also be aware of and read the Students Rights and Responsibilities; a complete, formal text of the Rights and Responsibilities of Students and disciplinary procedures is available at
- The department of Construction Management further adopts the University code of conduct which is available at
- Students also have an obligation to know and follow the regulations of the University. Violations will form the basis for University intervention or disciplinary action. The following actions are prohibited.
- Violation of any federal or state law or local ordinance including but not limited to those covering alcoholic beverages, narcotics and illegal drugs, gambling, arson, sex offenses, assaults, harassment, violation of civil rights, disorderly conduct, or lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct or expression.
- Professionalism: Students should always remember that they represent CSU, the Department of Construction Management and themselves at any event. It is important to remember that these events are also job interviews where potential employers are looking at student conduct for maturity as well as job skills. In many cases a club sponsored event may consist of a guest speaker from industry that could be a potential employer for a student of the CSU Construction Management program. The Department’s reputation is our most valuable asset; don’t spoil it for yourself, your fellow students, or the Department.
BoD Officer Elections
Please check the calendar of events for election date information or contact one of the Student Clubs Board of Directors Officers. If you are interested in a BoD position, please complete the Pre Election Application and submit as instructed on the form. All CM students are encouraged to attend the BoD Officer Elections and cast their vote.