Student Organizations About Sigma Lambda Chi
To recognize outstanding students in construction management and develop relationships among the community, campus, and industry, through service and leadership.
Sigma Lambda Chi is the only internationally recognized honor society for the construction industry. The organization provides a great opportunity to be recognized for outstanding performance in the field of Construction Management.
As a Society for Leadership in Construction, we strive to provide our members extra opportunities beyond the classroom activities and those organized by the fantastic selection of Construction Management clubs at Colorado State University. Extra opportunities includes leadership seminars, equipment training, and volunteer activities around the campus and community.
We encourage our applicants to become involved as officers of other campus clubs and competition teams and offer aid to support their endeavors. Our ambition is to encourage a rising generation of leaders each and every semester.
Faculty Adviser: Sherona Simpson
Become an SLX Member
Membership for Sigma Lambda Chi is based on an application procedure consisting of a resume and letter of interest submitted to the chapter Faculty Adviser. Please note that there is no official application form. The membership recruiting process begins the first week of every semester and is followed by an installation ceremony within the first month of each semester. It is mandatory to submit all the application information, to be approved by the faculty, and to attend the installation ceremony.
SLX International
CSU SLX Student Chapter Officers
President: TBD
Vice President: TBD
Treasurer: TBD
Secretary: TBD