Archived News
- March 2024 – Excited to announce that Isaac Bast won Distinction in Graduate Research in Clinical and Translational Science for his work “Quantifying Coordination Adaptations Induced by Split-Belt Treadmill Training in people with multiple sclerosis.” Not bad for his first conference presentation ever!!
- November 2023 – Big congratulations to doctoral student Chris Patrick – he received one of three College of Health and Human Sciences Excellence in Research and Scholarship awards at this year’s CSU Graduate Student Showcase!! (BTW – that’s two years in a row for CP)
- July 2023 – We are excited to welcome Dr. Kristin Johnson to the SNL. Kristin is currently funded by a National MS Society Mentor-Based Postdoctoral Fellowship. Thanks for coming to Colorado Dr. J!
- May 2023 – Bayley Wade was crowned the statewide champion for the Colorado 3 Minute Thesis Competition! Taylor Swift is Red with envy over your show stopping presentation skills Bayley!!
- April 2023 – So proud of Chris Patrick – he’s a member of the 2023-2024 CSU Vice President for Research Graduate Research Fellowship cohort. Well-deserved recognition for Chris’ tireless efforts both inside and outside of the lab. Way to go CP!!
- April 2023 – Big shout out to Jordan Acosta for being awarded the Best Master’s Poster Presentation at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain American Society of Biomechanics!!
- March 2023 – Bayley Wade was awarded 1st place for the Colorado State University 3 Minute Thesis Competition and she will be representing CSU at the State competition in April. Taylor Swift would be jealous of your show stopping presentation skills!!
- November 2022 – Chris Patrick, a doctoral student in the SNL, received one of five College of Health and Human Science Excellence in Research and Scholarship Awards at this year’s CSU Graduate Student Showcase. Incredible job for a new direction of work Chris is developing investigating reticulospinal contributions to motor control in people with MS!
- November 2022 – M.S. student Bayley Wade received Honorable Mention for the Great Minds in Research award at the CSU Graduate Student Showcase for her work on associations between psychomotor and gross motor performance in people with Type I Diabetes. Great job Bayley!
- May 2022 – SNL Postdoctoral Fellow Tyler Whittier has been recognized by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) as a member of the 2022 “DARPA Riser” cohort. Very impressive Tyler!
- April 2022 – Recent SNL graduate Tyler Whittier was recognized as the 2022 College of Health and Human Sciences Outstanding Graduate Student at CSU. Congratulations Dr. Whittier!
- February 2022 – Jordan Acosta and Andy Hagen were both selected as winners of the CSU 3-Minute Thesis Competition and will be members of the 2022-2023 OVPR Graduate Fellowship cohort. Amazing work from these two first year Master’s students!
- February 2022 – Lab alumni, Dr. Clayton Swanson was notified that he will be receiving a Career Development Award from the Department of Veterans Affairs for his ongoing neural mechanistic assessments of human mobility. It’s an impressive accomplishment – congrats Clay!!
- November 2021 – Jordan Acosta was recognized as 1 of 4 winners of the “Research Top Scholar Award” at the 2021 CSU Graduate Student Showcase. Way to go Jordan!
- November 2021 – Krystyna Kolodziej received Honorable Mention for the “Great Minds in Research Award” at the 2021 CSU Graduate Student Showcase. Congrats Krys!
- October 2021 – Congratulations to Tyler Whittier for successfully defending his dissertation ‘Bayes’d and Confused: Novel Applications of Bayesian Inference to Better Understand Sensorimotor Uncertainty’. Proud of you Dr. Whittier!!
- April 2021 –Victoria Bandera was recognized as the 2021 National Winner of the Master’s Scholar Award from the American Kinesiology Association. Vicky was selected from all of the local AKA Scholars nationwide in the Masters Scholar Award category as having the most distinguished academic, leadership, and service record.
- April 2021 – Victoria Bandera was awarded the Best Master’s Podium Presentation at the Rocky Mountain American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting. Nice work Vicky!
- March 2021 – Congratulations to Clayton Swanson for successfully defending his dissertation ‘Associations between neuroanatomy and neurophysiology with turning performance in people with multiple sclerosis’. Great job Dr. Swanson!
- November 2020 – Big congratulations to doctoral students Clayton Swanson and Tyler Whittier as both successfully proposed their dissertation projects!
- July 2020 – Master’s student Victoria Bandera and doctoral student Clayton Swanson were selected to receive two of the five trainee abstract awards for the 10th Annual International Symposium on Gait & Balance in Multiple Sclerosis
- July 2020 – The SNL is excited to begin a 5-year project investigating the neural mechanisms of split-belt treadmill training in people with MS. This work is funded by a National MS Society Harry Weaver Neuroscience Award
- May 2020 – Congratulations to Dr. Sutton Richmond for completing his doctoral work and receiving the American Kinesiology Association’s 2020 National Graduate Student Writing Award!
- April 2020 – Congratulations to Neuroscience senior Honor’s student Allison Hare for receiving “Highest Honors” at CSU’s 2020 Annual Celebrate Undergraduate Research and Creativity Showcase for her project “One step at a time – the nervous system’s Bayesian approach to sensory uncertainty”
- November 2019 – Congratulations to SNL master’s student Arianna Odom. Ari received one of three College of Health and Human Sciences Awards for Excellence in Research and Scholarship at the 2019 CSU Graduate Student Showcase for her work investigating the cerebellar neuroanatomical correlates of sensory reweighting impairment in multiple sclerosis. Way to go Ari!!
- September 2019 – The SNL is participating in MuckFest Denver in 2019. To help support the mission of the National MS Society and provide crucial research funding.
- July 2019 – Doctoral student Tyler Whittier and master’s student Arianna Odom were selected to receive two of the five trainee abstract awards for the Ninth Annual International Symposium on Gait and Balance in Multiple Sclerosis.
- June 2019 – Congratulations to master’s student Moriah Hanson for receiving the Columbine Health Systems Scholarship for 2019-2020!
- June 2019 – Congratulations to master’s student Arianna Odom for receiving the Colorado Graduate Grant for 2019-2020
- April 2019 – SNL doctoral student Clayton Swanson received Honorable Mention for the 2019 American Kinesiology Association National Graduate Student Writing Award.
- March 2019 – SNL doctoral student Clayton Swanson has been named a VPR Graduate Fellow for 2019-20. Congratulations on this distinguished honor Clay!
- February 2019 – Abstract submission is officially open for the Ninth Annual International Symposium on Gait and Balance in Multiple Sclerosis. CSU will be co-hosting the conference in Denver this year.
- January 2019 – The SNL is participating in MuckFest Denver in 2019 to help support the mission of the National MS Society and provide crucial research funding. Please join our team or donate to an amazing cause.
- October 2018 – Andrew Monaghan successfully defended his Master’s thesis “The effects of footwear cushioning on walking performance in females with multiple sclerosis” and he will be graduating this December. Congratulations Andrew!
- May 2018 – Andrew Monaghan, Sutton Richmond, and Clayton Swanson all presented their on-going research at the 2018 Annual Meeting for the Society for the Neural Control of Movement.
- April 2018 – Stephanie Yassa was awarded High Honors for her presentation at the CSU Celebration of Undergraduate Research and Creativity Showcase. Congratulations Steph!
- April 2018 – Andrew Monaghan was selected for the Best Master’s Student Poster Award at the Rocky Mountain American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting in Estes Park, CO.
- January 2018 – Dr. Fling and the SNL were recently awarded a Pilot Grant from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society titled: “Interhemispheric communication in MS: implications for balance and mobility”.
- November 2017 – Dr. Fling was a featured speaker at the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Leadership Conference on Friday, Nov. 10, 2017.
- November 2017 – Doctoral candidate Sutton Richmond presented a recently completed project “Leveling the Playing Field: Evaluation of a Portable Instrument for Quantifying Balance Performance” at the Colorado State University Graduate Student Showcase.
- November 2017 – Master’s student Clayton Swanson presented his on-going work “Associations Between Motor Cortex Inhibition & Gait Variability” at the Colorado State University Graduate Student Showcase.
- October 2017 – The SNL’s work investigating the neural control of gait and balance in people with multiple sclerosis was recently featured by the College of Health and Human Sciences.
- September 2017 – The SNL was recently awarded a 3-year David Mahoney Neuroimaging Grant from the Dana Foundation to support our work investigating how the two sides of the brain communicate to control walking and balance in people with multiple sclerosis.
- September 2017 – Dr. Fling presented recent research from the SNL in his talk “Assessing neuroplasticity via neuroimaging with magnetic resonance imaging and transcranial stimulation” at the International Symposium on Gait & Balance in Multiple Sclerosis in Portland, OR.
- June 2017 – The SNL is excited to welcome new Doctoral student Tyler Whittier, and new Master’s students Brady Butler and Andrew Monaghan to the lab this summer!
- June 2017 – Dr. Fling presented recent research from the SNL and our collaborators in his talk “Structural and functional connectivity underlying assistive device training-related mobility improvements in people with MS” at the International Society for Posture and Gait Research’s annual meeting in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
- June 2017 – Dr. Fling presented recent research from the SNL and our collaborators in his talk “Locomotion in the scanner: Understanding how you move by imaging your brain while you don’t” at the International Society for Posture and Gait Research’s annual meeting in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
- June 2017 – The lab also presented work at ISPGR from our on-going collaborations with Dr. Rudroff from CSU and with researchers at Oregon Health & Science University including the following posters:
“Associations between leg strength asymmetry and mobility impairment in multiple sclerosis: a case for tDCS?”
“Gait asymmetry in people with Parkinson’s disease is linked to reduced integrity of callosal sensorimotor regions” - Feb. 3, 2017 – Please join us for an Open House at the lab on Friday, Feb. 3 from 1-3 p.m. in the B-wing of Moby. Come test your balance and get your brain zapped (if you dare!).
- November 2016 – The SNL has just returned from the annual meeting for the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) and the American Society for Neurorehabilitation (ASNR) in San Diego. Dr. Fling gave a presentation at ASNR titled: “Cognitively challenging exercise to induce neural plasticity in Parkinson’s disease.
- November 2016 – The lab also presented work at both meetings from our on-going collaborations with researchers at Oregon Health & Science University including the following posters:
Deficits in automatic postural responses are related to cerebellar involvement in people with multiple sclerosis”
“Effects of cholinergic tone on gait and cognition in Parkinson’s disease”
“Callosal integrity and dynamic stability of gait in people with parkinsonism”