Recent Publications
Hagen AC, Patrick CM, Bast IE, Fling BW* (2024). Propulsive force modulation drives split-belt treadmill adaptation in people with multiple sclerosis. Sensors 24, 1067. PMID:
Swanson CW, Fling BW* (2023). Links between Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology with Turning Performance in People with Multiple Sclerosis. Sensors Sep 3;23(17):7629. PMID: 37688084
Whittier TT, Patrick CM, Fling BW* (2023). Somatosensory Information in Skilled Motor Performance: A Narrative Review. Journal of Motor Behavior. 1-22. PMID: 37245865
Acosta J, Fling BW* (2023). Let’s get moving: A multidisciplinary approach to gait rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis. Neurology Live. 6(1). 19-21
Hagen AC, Acosta JS, Geltser CS, Fling BW* (2023). Split-belt adaptation improvs spatial and temporal gait symmetry in people with multiple sclerosis. Sensors. 23, 5456. 1-13. PMID: 37420623
Monaghan P, Monaghan A, Fling BW, Peterson DS (2023). Using the ISway to Identify and Compare Balance Domain Deficits in People with Multiple Sclerosis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. PMID: 37037293
Candray HA, Kinkel CL, Fox AL, Atler KE, Fling BW, Van Puymbroeck M, Crowe B, Schmid AA (2023). An exploration of yoga in occupational therapy practice for multiple sclerosis. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health. 43(2): 313-321. PMID: 36377233.
Whittier TT, Weller ZD, Fling BW* (2022). I can step clearly now, the TENS is on: transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation decreases sensorimotor uncertainty during stepping movements. Sensors. 22(14):5442. PMID: 35891122
Whittier TT, Weller ZD, Fling BW* (2022). Novel applications of Bayesian inference clarify sensorimotor uncertainty during stepping movements. Neuropsychologia. PMID: 35772524
Hanson MR, Swanson CW, Whittier TT, Fling BW* (2022). Inhibitory signaling as a predictor of leg force control in young and older adults. Exp Brain Res. 240(4):1005-1016. PMID: 35171308
Richmond SB, Peterson DS, Fling BW* (2022). Bridging the callosal gap in gait: corpus callosum white matter integrity’s role in lower limb coordination. Brain Imaging Behav. 16(4):1552-1562. PMID: 35088352
Swanson CW & Fling BW* (2021). Discriminative Mobility Characteristics between Neurotypical Young, Middle-Aged, and Older Adults Using Wireless Inertial Sensors. Sensors. 21(19):6644. PMID: 34640963