Brad Sheafor Faculty, School of Social Work, Associate Dean, College of Health and Human Sciences, 1974 - 2012
During a 38-year career at CSU, Dr. Brad Sheafor has made significant contributions as a key teacher and administrator, a leader in national and professional groups, and an author of key textbooks used in the School of Social Work at CSU and throughout the world.
2012 Legacies Honorees Compilation Video
Brad Sheafor was part of a compilation video featuring his story, along with Legacies Honorees Sheri Linnell, Dick Dunn, Wanda Mayberry, Jennifer Anderson, Jack Curfman, Tex Anderson, and Janet Fritz.
Audio Described Version of 2012 Legacies Project Summary Video (best experienced in Chrome)
Watch Brad Sheafor’s personal video and hear his stories and memories.
Audio Described Version of Brad Sheafor – CHHS Legacies Honoree (best experienced in Chrome)
Honoring Brad's Legacy Brad Sheafor
Message for Brad Sheafor
“All I can say is Brad Sheafor was authentic. No “show” with him. He reminded me of Mr. Rogers, and I deeply respect Mr. Rogers.”
Tim Nordstrom (MSW, ’95)