Course Overview
Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is the gold-standard treatment for chronic insomnia. CBT-I for occupational therapy (CBT-I for OT) is a continuing education course designed to prepare the OT practitioner for the supervised delivery of CBT-I to adults. CBT-I for OT has been delivered to occupational therapists over the past few years in a face-to-face format by Aaron Eakman, Ph.D., OTR/L, FAOTA and Natalie Rolle, MOT, OTR/L. Aaron and Natalie are established occupational therapy researchers and clinical providers of CBT-I in the Occupational Therapy department at Colorado State University. From our face-to face course we have created a self-paced online self-study course that will impart essential understandings of sleep health, insomnia, and CBT-I. CBT-I for OT offers an overview of theories of insomnia, assessment and treatment techniques, clinical stories and a case study demonstrating how an OT can safely and effectively deliver CBT-I to treat chronic insomnia in their clients. CBT-I for OT highlights the unique role of occupational therapy in the ADLs of sleep participation and sleep preparation and offers evidence-based principles and techniques that can be adopted across practice settings.
Upon the successful completion of CBT-I for OT, participants will receive a certificate indicating 16 contact hours of continuing education and be prepared to begin the supervised delivery of CBT-I to adults with insomnia.
Course Framework
Occupational therapy is uniquely situated to promote optimal sleep in the lives of those we serve. Given the prevalence of sleep problems, there is a great need to expand the profession’s role in promoting sleep preparation and sleep participation. This course has been designed to address this need though a comprehensive review of insomnia and its treatment using cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I). CBT-I is the recommended “first line” treatment for chronic insomnia and is highly effective in reducing sleep problems and improving sleep health.
The 4th Edition of the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and Process (OTPF – 4) describes the central concepts that ground occupational therapy practice and includes the distinct contribution of the profession to promoting personal and community health and wellbeing. Sleep is an occupation (day-to-day activity) that is central to human health and wellbeing and an integral part of the OTPF – 4. CBTI for OT will offer occupational therapists the knowledge and resources needed to begin the supervised delivery of CBTI to adults with chronic insomnia.
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, August 2020, Vol. 74, 7412410010.
Course Objectives
Participants in the online self-paced CBTI for OT course should achieve the following objectives:
- Describe the role of occupational therapy in promoting sleep preparation and sleep participation.
- Describe the two-process model of sleep, including the homeostatic sleep driver system and the circadian system.
- Identify and demonstrate a basic understanding of factors that may predispose, precipitate, and perpetuate chronic (primary) insomnia in the adult.
- Describe basic differences between the nine categories of sleep disorders in the ICSD 3rd edition and identify up to three reasons why differential diagnosis is important within CBT-I.
- Describe how a daily sleep diary and assessments of sleep problems and daytime functioning are used within the delivery of CBT-I.
- Identify and describe the main components of CBTI and how they are utilized within CBT-I treatment.
- Describe a typical 7 session CBTI treatment and identify a core component to each session.
Course Format
CBTI for OT consists of over 15 hours of video within 26 distinct modules, including:
- Module 1: Faculty Introductions
- Module 2: Occupational Therapy and Sleep
- Module 3: Daytime Functioning
- Module 4: Differential Diagnoses
- Module 5: Insomnia Diagnosis
- Module 6: Insomnia Subtypes
- Module 7: Models of Insomnia
- Module 8: Hypnogram and Stages of Sleep
- Module 9: Circadian and Homeostatic Sleep Drive Systems
- Module 10: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) Safety and Efficacy
- Module 11: Medications and Alternative Treatments
- Module 12: Sleep Ability, Sleep Opportunity, and Sleep Need
- Module 13: Decision Tree
- Module 14: Sleep-Related Assessments
- Module 15: Multi-Component CBT-I and Behavioral Sleep Medicine Examination
- Module 16: CBT-I Delivery
- Module 17: CBT-I Treatment Contraindications
- Module 18: Assessment and Orientation (Treatment Session 1)
- Module 19: Treatment Session 2
- Module 20: Treatment Session 3
- Module 21: Treatment Session 4
- Module 22: Treatment Session 5
- Module 23: Treatment Session 6
- Module 24: Sleep Diary Review
- Module 25: Treatment Sessions 7 – 10
- Module 26: Polysomnography & Sleep Labs